Celebrate NAIDOC Week on Dunghutti land

Published on 02 July 2024

NAIDOC Week poster 2024

There is a feast of great options to celebrate NAIDOC Week on Dunghutti Country 2024 from Sunday 7 July to Sunday 14 July.

Sunday 7 July

Dancing, Weaving, Art and Cultural Activities

Time: 11am-2pm
Venue: Little Bay-Arakoon
Host: SWR Figtree Aboriginal Corporation
Contact: Nancy Pattison 0476000418

Mustangs Indigenous Round 

Macleay Valley Mustangs vs Forster
Stalls, food, jumping castle, kids activities, cultural performances, Elders tent & meet NRL player Cody Walker!
Time: 11am-4pm
Venue: Verge St Oval
Contact: Nicky Lockwood

Monday 8 July


Time: 9.30am-11am
Venue: Chappell Park next to Kempsey Pools.
Host: Booroongen Djugun Limited

NAIDOC Flag Raising

Time: 11am-12pm
Venue: Services Club Park
Host: Kempsey LALC

NAIDOC Community BBQ

Time: 12pm-1.30pm
Venue: Services Club Park
Host: Durri ACMS

Tuesday 9 July

Community Morning Tea

Time: 10.30am
Venue: Centenary Garden, Kempsey Hospital
Host: Aboriginal Health
Contact: Christa Smith 0481266513

Elders Luncheon

Must book for this event- limited places available.
Time: 12pm-2pm
Venue: Kempsey RSL
Contact: Raelene Davis- Durri ACMS 65602300

Kids Movie Day

2 sessions available.
All children must attend with an adult.
You must book in.
Popcorn and small drink provided.
Host: Durri ACMS
Contact: Charleigh Kennedy 65602300

Wednesday 10 July

Burrun Dalai NAIDOC Family Day

Time: 10am-2pm
Venue: Services Club Park
Stall holders and activities for children and families
Host: Burrun Dalai
Contact: Tayla Donovan – 65621913

Thursday 11 July

Dunghutti Arts Trail

Time: 10am-3pm
Venues: Annecto, Coastline Credit Union and Community Corrections
Contact: Jo Kelly, Adam Fathers and TJ Smith

Dunghutti Elders BBQ

Venue: Dunghutti Elders, South Kempsey
Contact: Amie Jacky 65622346

Kids Disco 

Time: 5.30pm-8pm
Venue: Anglican Hall, Kemp Street
Contact: Sarah Cohen-Dhina Durriti Aboriginal Corporation 0486 022 225

Friday 12 July


Must book for this event and places are limited.
Time: 9am-3pm
Venue: Frederickton Golf Club
Host by: AES
Contact: Stephen McLeod 0427398301

Kids Trivia

Time: 11am-1pm
Venue: Kempsey Bowling Club
Must book in for this and all children attend with an adult.
Booking can be made at the Burrun Dalai Family Day.
Contact: TJ Smith


Night Art Exhibition
Time: 5pm-8pm
Venue: NRMA SWR Parks & Resorts
Contact: Freeda Roberts 0413451975

Saturday 13 July


Time: 6.30pm
Venue: Kempsey Heights Bowling Club

Sunday 14 July

Stuarts Point Community Day

BBQ, face painting, and activities.
Venue: Stuarts Point Park
Contact: Danielle Riley 0477828300

Kempsey Shire Councils is proud to have supported NAIDOC Week this year through:

  • Facilitating approval for the NAIDOC March via the Local Traffic Committee and Council.
  • Arranging and funding traffic control for the NAIDOC March.
  • Encouraging staff to participate in the NAIDOC March.
  • Awarding two NAIDOC Micro Grants based on successful applications.
  • Sponsoring the Kempsey NAIDOC Group to support various events, including promotion.
  • Staff attended the NAIDOC celebrations event at Kempsey South Public School on 27 June, including primary students from other small schools in the Shire (this was a micro grant supported event).
  • Staff will participate in the Family Fun Day event on Wednesday 10 July, hosting activities for attendees.
  • Installation of NAIDOC Week banners in Smith Street.
  • Promoting NAIDOC Week and local events through the Council’s website and social media channels.

7-14 JULY 2024

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