Budget, rate rise, DAs and community action group all approved

Published on 19 June 2024

June 2024 Council Meeting

A 7.9% rate rise, a concept plan and community advisory group for Crescent Head, DAs for South West Rocks and the budget and plans for the coming financial year all featured on a packed June agenda for Council.

You can read the detailed agenda and reports in the business papers and a video of the meeting can be viewed on Council's YouTube page

Call for review of speed limit change on Macleay Valley Way

The recent speed limit change from 100km/h to 80km/hr on Macleay Valley Way between Kempsey and Frederickton was discussed as Council received the minutes and recommendations of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting.  

Council requested an urgent review of the Transport for NSW decision to lower the posted speed limit on the Macleay Valley Way between Kempsey and Frederickton to 80km/h with an aim to restore it to 100km/h. Councillors are disappointed that TfNSW have lowered the speed limit without input from the Kempsey Traffic Committee or public consultation, as well as installing the changed speed limit on 20 May despite a report to the Committee saying it would occur in June. 

Budget and plans for 2024-25 adopted

Council voted to adopt the budget and plans to take effect in the new financial year, including the Delivery Program 2022-26 and Operational Plan 2024-25; Revenue policy 2024-25; Schedule of Fees and Charges 2024-25; Rates Maps 2024-25; and the Long Term Final Plan 2024-34. These documents were placed on exhibition from 22 April -19 May 2024 for public comment. 

Council also noted the ongoing advocacy regarding the financial sustainability of the Local Government sector, that the Roads to Recovery funding will increase, with an updated budget included in the relevant documents once known, and that as part of the revised Financial Sustainability Plan, a workshop will be held with the newly elected Councillors within three months of the upcoming election.

Rates increased for the coming year

Councillors voted to raise property rates by 7.9%, a permanent increase that will come into effect in the coming financial year.  In dollar terms, the average dollar increase, per household, for the year commencing 1 July 2024 will be $100.

Councillors werer guided by the decision of the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal to approve a permanent Special Rate Variation of 24.09% over the next 2 years, with the initial rate rise of 7.9% to occur in 2024-25. The responsibility for deciding the subsequent rate rise of 15% for 2025-26 will fall to the new body of Councillors who will be voted in the next Local Government election. Councillors spoke passionately about both the financial need for a rate rise and their concerns for the community who are struggling under cost of living increases from many directions. 

Waste and water charges will be increase in the coming year by 3.8%, in line with CPI. Council also voted to approve additional borrowings of $10million over a 20-year period, authorising the General Manger to accept a loan from the Commonwealth Bank of Australia at a fixed at 5.87% over 20 years, a rate more competitive than that offered by the government's own financial lender.

Revised concept plan for Crescent Head Holiday Park

A revised Concept Plan for Crescent Head Holiday Park was adopted. It includes a number of significant amendments and commitments in response to community feedback received while the Concept Plan was on exhibition. Council has committed to the following undertakings:

  • Area 9 to remain within the Holiday Park boundary until at least 2027, with further consideration of this area to occur as part of broader foreshore master planning to be presented to a future Council meeting
  • remove six cabins planned in Area 5, reducing the total number of cabins planned in Areas 3 and 5 from 14 to 8 cabins. This includes replacing the eight existing cabins in Area 3 (noting the new cabins take up a larger footprint) and only one additional disability accessible cabin being placed at an appropriate location within the park, with the remaining area as powered sites
  • noting the potential lost revenue in items A and B above, commit to replacing powered sites with cabins in Area 8, in the short-to-medium term
  • cease the Holiday Park’s exclusive use of the overflow parking area in Willow St from February 2025
  • conduct a comprehensive investigation to identify additional Crescent Head parking spaces and assess the feasibility of implementing time limits
  • maintains permanent vehicle and pedestrian access along Reserve Road through to the foreshore car park and 24-hour public access along the Killick Creek footpath
  • realign the new fence at the entrance to Reserve Road to provide more public greenspace around the footpath entrance
  • create additional parking spaces within the holiday park, where possible, to accommodate larger cabins
  • prepare a landscape design to remove weeds and replant along the south-eastern edge of the park
  • continue long-term planning for a two-storey managers residence, noting that the building will not encroach on the former Health/Christian Surfer building site and that the design will be revisited to connect with local environment and consider an increased setback from the road, if possible.

Overall, Council felt that these amendments resulted in a better balance between the needs of the community and the crucial need for Council to increase their income to achieve financial sustainability, and agreed to adopt the Crescent Head Holiday Park revised concept plan. These amendments have resulted in a reduction of income to Council of $150,000 per year. 

Councillors also noted the importance of the Crescent Head Holiday Park in welcoming visitors to the region and in generating revenue to maintain and improve Crown Land reserves and facilities and reduce the burden on ratepayers

Outdoor dining fee moratorium extended

Councillors voted to continue the existing moratorium on fees and charges for the commercial use of footpath areas. The moratorium supports the activation of the CBD, in line with recent NSW Government Vibrancy Reforms.

Crescent Head gets a Community Advisory Group

In March 2024 Council resolved to establish the Crescent Head Community Advisory Group to give the Crescent Head community an opportunity to have input into the Crescent Head foreshore.

An open expression of interest was conducted, encouraging residents of the Kempsey Shire community to apply via Your Say Macleay, with 30 applications received. Council endorsed 14 representatives, and thanked the unsuccessful applicants for their interest and submissions.

Council also endorsed a change in scope for the group, adding the area of the Willow Street carpark and consideration of Area 9 of the Crescent Head Holiday Park footprint. 

Council-Managed Crown Land Plan of Management

A Plan of Management (PoM) for all Council-managed Community Crown Land was adopted, which identifies and authorises lawful use, activities and occupation of Crown Land and ensures native title obligations are met.

The PoM provides a significant amount of information on the 67 Reserves managed by Council, including the site overview, map, improvements, reserve purpose and category, lease arrangements and relevant policies and strategies. It should be noted, however, that the information is intended to be a high-level overview of the purpose and management of these 67 Reserves, rather than a detailed plan for the ongoing management and maintenance of each individual land holding.

The Draft PoM was placed on public exhibition on Council’s Your Say Macleay site from 1 November 2023 until 15 December 2023. Council acknowledged and thanked those community members and community organisations that made submissions during the public exhibition period and agreed to adopt the draft Plan of Management for Council-Managed Community Crown Land.

DA determinations for Rosedale Avenue 

Council debated the collection of DAs submitted for properties on Rosedale Avenue, South West Rocks. These are all similar proposals of dual occupancy and strata subdivision, requiring variations to minimum site area and driveway width.

Residents had raised concerns regarding a covenant restricting dual occupancies for the original residences built in this location, which did not allow dual occupancy when they were built. 

It was determined that the Development Application does meet all the basic necessities. The site has access to reticulated water, sewer, electricity, and telecommunications networks, there is capacity in Council’s water supply and sewer drainage systems considered compatible with the locality and streetscape, and it is not considered to have any adverse impacts on the amenity of the neighbourhood. The proposal will also contribute to the provision of a variety of housing choices while maintaining a high quality of residential amenity in the area.

Council approved the DAs while noting that the proposed developments are of a character that Council does NOT support in this area but that there are no valid planning grounds for refusal of these developments. Council will continue to lobby for local councils in NSW to be given appropriate planning powers to meet the needs of their communities.

Other Business considered in open session

10.1. Integrated Planning and Reporting 2024-2025 10.2. Making the Rates
10.3. Crescent Head Holiday Park - Revised Concept Plan
10.4. Establishment of Crescent Head Community Advisory Group (CAG)
10.5. Council-managed Crown Land Plan of Management
10.6. DA2300939 - Proposed Dual Occupancy and Strata Subdivision - 20 Rosedale Avenue, South West Rocks
10.7. DA2300945 - Proposed Dual Occupancy and Strata Subdivision - 24 Rosedale Avenue, South West Rocks
10.8. DA2400965 Proposed Dual Occupancy and Strata Subdivision - 26 Rosedale Avenue, South West Rocks
10.9. DA2400969 - Proposed Dual Occupancy and Strata Subdivision - 29 Rosedale Avenue, South West Rocks
10.10. DA2400997 - Proposed Dual Occupancy and Strata Subdivision - 27 Rosedale Avenue, South West Rocks
10.11. DA2400998 - Proposed Dual Occupancy and Strata Subdivision - 25 Rosedale Avenue, South West Rocks
10.12. Loan Borrowings - June 2023 Report
10.13. Outdoor Dining Fees
10.14. Mayoral and Councillor Fees for 2024-25
10.15. Statement of Cash and Investments - May 2024
11.1. Delegates Report - LGNSW Rural and Regional Summit
11.2. Delegates Report - Country Mayors Association May Meeting
11.3. Delegates Report - Understanding Local Government Finances
12.1. Legal Matters
12.2. Audit, Risk & Improvement Committee Meeting Minutes - 8 May 2024
12.3. Kempsey Regional Saleyards Infrastructure Upgrade Tender (TQE24/44)


You can view the June 2024 agenda, official minutes, and business papers at our website.

The meeting was live-streamed via Council's YouTube page 

Watch the recording of the meeting video here.