Airport Family Fun Day POSTPONED

Published on 30 May 2024


The Kempsey Airport Family Fun Day scheduled for Sunday 2 June, has been postponed due to forecast unsuitable weather conditions.

Event organisers have issued the following note:

It is with regret the Flying Club Committee and Kempsey Shire Council has made the difficult decision to POSTPONE the Open Day which was to be held this Sunday, 2nd June.

You can be assured this decision was not made lightly but took into consideration the following factors:

1. The following could not operate given the above BOM forecast for Kempsey Airport this Sunday

        a) Paul Bennett in his Wolfe Pitts Special aerobatic display

        b) The Sky Aces Model Jets

        c) Coffs Skydivers

2. The purchases for catering purposes needed to be cancelled.

3. The parking area for those attending would be too wet, with a danger of bogging of vehicles.

4. Major works being carried out at the airport. (Wildlife fence.)

Now comes the difficult task of arranging an alternate date which suits all those persons/organisations/clubs who were participating in the day.

We would have to consider the alternate date meeting the same weather conditions as predicated for this weekend.

To minimise this happening and being able to get a reasonable idea of weather conditions for the postponed date, we are looking at the next three weekends.

The KFC will be contacting all those concerned, ASAP, in an endeavour to arrange a weekend suitable to all.

Once again our apology for any inconvenience this postponement may have caused, but we are sure you will understand we have made the correct decision considering all factors and the safety of those involved in the aviation events.

Finally, we had an action packed program planned. This postponement will enable us to further improve the program by having several other displays and aviation action events added to a new program. WATCH THIS SPACE!


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