Crescent Head ring road rejected and Financial Plans on exhibition
Published on 16 April 2024
Updated Integrated Planning and Reporting documents and the reviewing of two motions from last month's council meeting were among items considered by Council at its 16 April 2024 meeting. The items to be reviewed were the proposal of an investigation into a Crescent Head link road, and the change of meeting practices for the public forum.
You can read the detailed agenda and reports in the business papers and a video of the meeting can be viewed on Council's YouTube page.
Review of decision related to Crescent Head Foreshore
This agenda item sought to reverse the resolution from the March meeting regarding the investigation by Council into creating a ring road through the Crescent Head Golf Course Crown Land area.
After discussion, the motion was overturned, allowing Council to go back to the original motion which acknowledged the strong community support for the Crescent Head Country Club lease renewal, and supported the decision to call for expressions of interest from members of the public who would like to join the Crescent Head Foreshore Advisory Group.
This Group will advise on plans for the Crescent Head foreshore, excluding the golf course and the operation of the Crescent Head Holiday Park.
A Mayoral Minute was also passed requesting Council extend the notification period for the revised Crescent Head Holiday Park concept plan an extra two weeks, now to conclude on 30 May 2024.
For the full media release go here.
Integrated Planning and Reporting documents
The draft Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) suite of documents were approved, after detailed questions and discussion, for a 28-day public exhibition as required under the Local Government Act 1993.
The IP&R documents include the Operational Plan 2024-25, Revenue Policy 2024-25, Schedule of Fees and Charges 2024-25, Rates Maps 2024-25 and Long-Term Financial Plan 2024-34.
Stephen Mitchell, Director Corporate and Commercial, gave an introduction to Councillors explaining that this is an annual process that allows the community the opportunity to make submissions on key financial documents.
Mr Mitchell emphasised that the Long Term Financial Plan has also been revised, and most notably, the Financial Sustainability Program has been reviewed and updated.
The initiatives and actions within the Financial Sustainability Program show a strong commitment to addressing Council’s financial challenges irrespective of the IPART decision next month in relation to our SRV application.
Significant community engagement is planned during the public exhibition period of these IP&R documents. In addition to actions taken in past years, senior council staff will also be presenting key elements of the IP&R document suite to key community and ratepayer groups in accordance with our recently developed community engagement framework.
The Integrated Planning and Reporting documents will be out on exhibition and members of the community will be invited to learn more and have their say.
Proposal to sell vacant block of land in South Kempsey
A 15 Ha parcel of land owned by Council and surplus to use in East Street in South Kempsey was recommended was for sale by staff at the April Council meeting.
Adjoining the intersection of East Street and Middleton Street, the property comprises an irregular "L" shape, with western frontage to the unsealed East Street. Kempsey Greyhound track adjoins part of the southern boundary.The property is low lying and swampy, with several timbered sections, and consists of mainly a peat swamp.
The lot is classified as operational land and is zoned SP2 Sewerage Systems. The land is classified as being flood and bushfire prone and does not have a dwelling entitlement.
The staff recommendation was that as the lot is surplus to Council operational needs, recent ecological advice that participation in the NSW Biodiversity Scheme is not financially viable, and as Council has recently received an enquiry from an adjoining landowner regarding Council’s willingness to dispose of the lot, the land should be sold.
After discussion, an amended motion was passed by the majority of Councillors that the site should be included in the Kempsey Local Environment Plan (KLEP) 2013 which is currently being reviewed, and following that, a report sent to Council.
Review of decision to change meeting rules for Public Forums
A decision made in the March Council meeting about a change in meeting rules for the monthly public forums was reviewed by Councillors, in this month's meeting.
The change to the meeting code allowed members of the public to address Councillors on matters not part of the agenda.
In considering the matter, Councillors discussed meeting guideline best practice, the logistics of implementing the change, and the impact of such a change in an election year, and in the end, voted to revoke the decision, leaving the public forum meeting code of practice as it is.
Council to advocate for increased police presence in South West Rocks and Crescent Head
A Notice of Motion which asked Council to advocate for a 24-hour police presence in South West Rocks, and increased police presence in Crescent Head was presented to Councillors at the April meeting.
There have been ongoing serious incidents of burglaries, car thefts and home invasions in South West Rocks and Crescent Head in recent weeks. In some cases, weapons have been used to threaten residents in their own homes and businesses.
The Police in our Shire do amazing work however they are constrained by inadequate staffing levels.
South West Rocks has a relatively new Police Station, but unfortunately, it has a limited actual police presence with no officers on duty 24 hours, and officers have to drive a minimum of 30-40 minutes from Kempsey to attend crime scenes.
This is a NSW Government issue but Council needs to voice our communities’ concern to the Government as strongly as possible.
Advocacy actions agreed on include:
- Mayor to write to Mr Michael Kemp, Member for Oxley; The Hon. Yasmin Catley, Minister for Police and Counter-Terrorism; and The Hon. Chris Minns, Premier to:
- outline our community's serious concerns about increased crime in our Shire
- request in the strongest possible terms the need for 24-hour police staffing at South West Rocks and an increased police presence in Crescent Head
- request full funding of a new central Kempsey PCYC
- support the Country Mayor’s Association initiative for a review of Regional Crime
- offering Council commitment to work with Government and Non-Government agencies to holistically address Youth Crime and Drugs
- writes to Local Government NSW to request an update on their actions to lobby the State Government on Youth Crime and Drugs
- encourage justice reinvestment strategies by advocating for increased ongoing funding of community services who are delivering diversionary programs, to allow term, consistent delivery
- advocate for increased provision of Drug & Alcohol treatment services, including opiate treatment program and rehabilitation placements
- write to the superintendent of police and request an increased police presence in holiday times at Crescent Head and South West Rocks.
Other Business considered in open session
9.1. Australia Day Awards Committee
10.1. Integrated Planning and Reporting 2024-2025
10.2. Disposal of Surplus Council Land - Sewer Land - East St, South Kempsey - Lot 22 DP553475
10.3. Asbestos Management Policy
10.4. Council Related Development Applications Policy
10.5. Development Activity and LEP Variations - Quarterly Snapshot
10.6. Statement of Cash and Investments - March 2024
11.1. Rescission Motion - Crescent Head Foreshore Community Advisory Group Terms of
Reference and EOI
11.2. Rescission Motion - Public Forum - Non-agenda Items
11.3. Notice of Motion - Crime
11.4. Delegates Report - NSW Australian Local Government Women's Association NSW
12.1. Legal Matters
You can view the April 2024 agenda, official minutes, and business papers at
The meeting was live-streamed via Council's YouTube page
Watch the recording of the meeting video here.