Crescent Head, planning & reporting documents to go before Council

Published on 10 April 2024

Council chambers sign

Council will be asked to approve the draft integrated and planning and reporting suite of documents for exhibition, as well as re-considering the Crescent Head foreshore from last month, and the notice of motion to allow members of the community to speak on non-agenda items at monthly public forums. 

You can register to speak to Councillors at the Public Forum on Monday 15 April. The meeting is only held if there are registered speakers.

The Ordinary Meeting will be held at the Kempsey Shire Council Chambers from 9am on Tuesday 16 April.

You can view the full April 2024 agenda and business papers at Council meeting agendas & minutes

The meeting will be live-streamed via Council's YouTube page and on the Kempsey Shire Council website. 

Draft Integrated Planning and Reporting documents

Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) is an umbrella term for a family of documents which together provide Council with a structured, consistent approach to community planning. 

The updated documents for the 2024-25 Council are being asked to endorse for exhibition are:

a. Delivery Program 2022-2026 and Operational Plan 2024-25

b. Revenue Policy 2024-25

c. Schedule of Fees and Charges 2024-25

d. Rates Maps 2024-25

e. Long Term Financial Plan 2024-34

Council will get a report at the June 2024 Council meeting on the submissions received by the community during the exhibition period, as well as the finalised documents for approval. 

Crescent Head foreshore

Council has been asked to reconsider item 11.1 from last month's meeting, which requested the GM bring back a report on the feasibility of a ring road at Crescent Head, including the positives and negatives of such a road in terms of traffic movement, road and pedestrian safety, impacts on the golf course and any other considerations. 

The item also noted the strong community support for the renewal of the Crescent Head Country Club (CHCC) golf course, asked that the CHCC golf course lease be excluded from the Crescent Head Community Advisory Group terms of reference, and that the operation of the Crescent Head Holiday Park is outside the terms of reference for the Crescent Head Community Advisory group.

Speaking on non-agenda items at public forums

Another item up for re-consideration is item 11.2, where Council voted to allow members of the public to address Council on matters not on the meeting agenda.

The conditions for speaking on non-agenda items include prioritising speakers on agenda items, providing a summary of the address to the GM two working days before the meeting, and the right of Council to refuse permission if the matter will be part of a future Council meeting, or if the speaker has already spoken on the matter at a previous meeting.

Order of Business considered in open session

9.1. Australia Day Awards Committee

10.1. Integrated Planning and Reporting 2024-2025

10.2. Disposal of Surplus Council Land - Sewer Land - East St, South Kempsey - Lot 22 DP553475

10.3. Asbestos Management Policy

10.4. Council Related Development Applications Policy

10.5. Development Activity and LEP Variations - Quarterly Snapshot

10.6. Statement of Cash and Investments - March 2024

11.1. Rescission Motion - Crescent Head Foreshore Community Advisory Group Terms of Reference and EOI

11.2. Rescission Motion - Public Forum - Non-agenda Items

11.3. Notice of Motion - Crime

11.4. Delegates Report - NSW Australian Local Government Women's Association NSW Conference

12.1. Legal Matters


More information

You can read the detailed agenda and reports in the business papers

You can view the meeting on Council's YouTube page