Young people have their say at a Council meeting with a full agenda
Published on 19 March 2024
A presentation from Kempsey Shire School Leaders to Councillors, South West Rocks building height amendments, Crescent Head Foreshore Community Advisory group terms of reference and expression of interest, the Road Safety Strategy, and a re-prioritisation of unsealed roads were among items considered by Council at its 19 March 2024 meeting.
You can read the detailed agenda and reports in the business papers and a video of the meeting can be viewed on Council's YouTube page.
School leaders present a youth perspective to Councillors
Following a workshop in recent weeks, leaders from three local high schools were invited to present to your Councillors on key issues - and possible solutions - for our shire.
St Paul's College represented by Mia Quinn, Brianna O'Donnell, Isabelle Preston, Ollie Hill, wanted to discuss the lack of staffing in the Kempsey Medical Sector.
- They highlighted that it is difficult for Kempsey residents to access medical care, often having to travel outside the area.
- The students identified how hard it is financially for a first-year nurse using a breakdown of income and costs.
- Their solution is for Council to provide a scholarship for medical students to support them paying their HECS debt, as well as providing subsidised rates, water and other Council services for a period of seven years, to encourage the recipient to stay in the area.
Kempsey High School represented by School Captains Alice McNee and Alex Ring, discussed the idea of a multipurpose cultural and sports centre.
- It could have a sports facility with multiple sports opportunities such as basketball, volleyball, and archery, as well as multi-purpose facility which hosts workshops, performances, and various school functions.
- There could also be opportunities for intergenerational activities with seniors and young people.
- The students were enthusiastic about the potential of developing transferable skills in an environment of excitement and interest.
- The students suggested repurposing an existing facility such as the Bunnings warehouse, and promoted the idea of accessibility via buses from schools to enable all students who want to attend.
- They suggested Council utilise existing government grants and community fundraising to help fund the Centre.
- The students want Council to own the land so that the community can own and access it.
- They also identified it as a way where Council can communicate and engage with the area's young people.
Kempsey Adventist School represented by Abigail Hammond, Senimelia Toroca, Rhy Hoschke and Bridgette Carroll, shared their ideas and perspectives on retaining 18–24-year-olds, who leave the Shire in droves.
- Young people represent the future of the valley, so we must look after this age group and encourage them to stay in the area.
- They surveyed fellow students, and 90% wanted to leave Kempsey within 3 years of finishing school for education, job opportunities, meeting new people and having fun and adventures.
- The young people surveyed said they would feel lonely after leaving school, and would need a safe place to gather, socialise with friends and experience new things.
- Some examples of social places and activities include music and film festivals, better shops, theme parks.
- They also addressed the access or perception of employment and career opportunities for young people, acknowledging that Kempsey Council has been a fantastic support partner, as have health organisations, and country university centre - are there other ways the business could be encouraged to support young people with apprenticeships, traineeships etc?
- The students also identified that road quality and visibility is very important for new drivers, preventing accidents and vehicle damage. Students asked that the roads be repaired, filling potholes, taking care of roads outside the Kempsey CBD area. They identified particular roads which were unsafe for new drivers, with some roads being narrow, dangerous, terrifying to drive on, some with no lines. They understand that looking after all the roads in our Shire is a huge task, but as people move to our valley, it's important that our roads be upgraded as well.
South West Rocks Building Height amendment
Building height limits are set to be implemented at 8.5m in South West Rocks after Councillors agreed to amend the Kempsey Local Environment Plan (KLEP 2013) Height of Building map to align with the adopted South West Rocks Structure Plan.
The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure is the final decision maker in this matter, so Councillors also requested that the Minister's delegate finalise and make the plan, as well as updating the plan on the NSW Legislation website.
The land covered by the building height change proposal consists of various land use zones and sizes, but all have been identified as not currently having a regulated building height under the KLEP 2013. It will still be possible for buildings to exceed the height limit however they will need to seek individual permission from Council.
Bringing in height limits for South West Rocks will not negatively impact potential housing in the area, with adequate areas put aside for residential development across the Shire to meet projected housing demand.
Golf course supported as viability of Crescent Head ring road investigated
The future of the Crescent Head foreshore and the golf course became clearer after discussion of recent and next steps.
A huge demonstration of community support for a renewal of the Cresent Head Country Club Golf Course lease on fair and reasonable terms was noted by Councillors. More than 1200 submissions of support were received through the exhibition of the draft Council managed Crown Land Plan of Management and the decision was made to remove the Golf Club lease from the terms of reference for the Community Advisory Group that will soon be formed to advise on foreshore plans.
Councillors also asked staff to investigate the positive and negative impacts of creating a ring road alongside the golf course, a concept that had been put foward by community members.
As a result, the formation of the Crescent Head Foreshore Community Advisory Group has been delayed until after the report has been brought back to Council.
Councillors also agreed to put revised concept plans for Crescent Head Holiday Park on public exhibiiton prior to being reported back to a future Council meeting for adoption, as the holiday park needs to remain outside the scope of the Advisory Group.
Which roads should be next in line to be sealed?
In response to community requests, Council staff conducted a comprehensive assessment of the list of priority roads to be sealed should grant funding become available.
The assessment was made using a range of methods, including the ARC methodology, which uses a road safety risk assessment approach. In addition, staff have also considered other factors, including flood immunity, current and forecasted population growth, and strategic location.
Councillors agreed that while in an ideal world we would seal all roads, Pipers Creek Road and Spooners Avenue remain the top two priority roads, with Spooners Avenue as the top priority, and that they endorse the following list of roads in order of priority:
- Spooners Avenue (Chain O Ponds Road to Collombatti Road)
- Piper Creek Road (End of seal to Wirrang Drive)
- Pipers Creek Road (Wirrang Drive to Ballengara Road)
- Collombatti Road (Swan Lane to Hughes Access)
- Smiths Creek Road (Crowther Drive to Crowther Drive)
- First Lane (Gladstone Street to Smith Street)
Ten-year Road Safety Strategy adopted
Road safety across the Kempsey Shire was a theme to the meeting as Councillors additionally endorsed the Road Safety Strategy 2024-2034, which was prepared in partnership with Transport for NSW, following extensive consultation with the community.
Council also approved the implementation of the plan as part of Council's future delivery and operational plans, noting opportunities for external funding of the identified actions are to be pursued through relevant state and federal government programs.
It was agreed that there had been a very strong effort to engage with the community on this Strategy through numerous meetings held by road safety staff and the expert consultants with key stakeholder groups, in addition to the community pop-up events held to gather opinions and two online surveys. Data from these all informed the final recommendations.
The main aim of the Strategy is to reduce road accidents and related trauma. In the five years from 2017 to 2021, 107 people were seriously injured and 14 people lost their lives on the roads in Kempsey Shire.
On average 19 serious injury crashes and 2 fatal crashes are occurring every year, which cause an immeasurable amount of grief, loss, and tragedy for our community.
The Strategy aims to achieve the Transport for NSW Road Safety Action Plan (2026) target of halving the number of road deaths on our roads and reducing the number of serious injuries by 30% by 2030.
Public forum opened up to non-agenda items
Members of the public will be able to address Councillors on topics outside the published agenda at the Public Forum held the afternoon before Council meetings under proposed changes agreed to the Code of Meeting Practice.
In May 2019 Council adopted a code that limited discussion to the topics on the agenda in order to ensure that there was public transparency on matters being considered. Since that time the Code of Meeting Practice has limited community members to only speak on items listed in the business paper.
After submissions from the public and robust discussion, Councillors decided to amend the Code of Meeting Practice to allow members of the public to address Council during the public forum on matters not on the meeting agenda subject to the following:
1. Priority shall be given to speakers addressing matters on the agenda.
2. A précis of the address will be provided in writing to the General Manager at least two working days prior to the meeting.
3. Council has the right to refuse permission if the matter is one which will be the subject of a report to a subsequent Council meeting or a matter where a speaker has addressed a previous Council meeting in the public forum.
Other Business considered in open session
9.1. Local Traffic Committee Meeting Minutes
10.1. Presentations by School Leaders
10.2. Planning Proposal PP_2023_2105 (PP2300005) - KLEP 2013 Housekeeping Amendment - South West Rocks Building Heights
10.3. Crescent Head Foreshore Community Advisory Group Terms of Reference and EOI
10.4. Proposed Dwelling - Marlin Circuit, Hat Head - DA2300773
10.5. Prioritisation of Sealing of Unsealed Roads
10.6. Slim Dusty Centre - Council application to become Crown Land Manager
10.7. Road Safety Strategy
10.8. Write-off of Outstanding Debt
10.9. Completion of Works on Private Land
10.10. Internal Audit Charters
10.11. Crescent Head Holiday Park - Shed Relocation
10.12. Statement of Cash and Investments - February 2024
11.1. Notice of Motion - Public Forum - Non-agenda Items
11.2. Notice of Motion - Public Forum and Question Time
11.3. Delegates Report - Social Media for Councillors
11.4. Delegates Report - Bush Fire Management Committee - 14 February 2024
You can view the March 2024 agenda, official minutes, and business papers at Council meeting agendas & minutes.
The meeting was live-streamed via Council's YouTube page
Watch the recording of the meeting video here.