Kempsey Shire Council awaits IPART publication of application

Published on 26 February 2024

Kempsey Shire Council councillors 2024

Kempsey Shire Council’s SRV application was submitted to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) on Monday 5 February. The extensive work carried out by staff to assemble the application is of a very high quality and we are confident IPART will reflect that in their assessment.

Community involvement in our decision making process is something that we value and are constantly trying to improve on. In response to an open letter received from community groups, staff will offer to meet with the key stakeholders and welcome any suggestions for operational improvements.

We expect IPART to publish applications from Councils across NSW for public engagement in the coming days. We encourage everyone in the community to engage with IPART and make submissions. The community is a key part of this independent review of Council’s application.

Council will not make a final decision on the rates for the coming year until June and see this independent review as an opportunity to gain an additional perspective.

For more information on the SRV application and process please see Council's dedicated SRV pages at