South West Rocks library and building heights restricted

Published on 19 October 2023


South West Rocks library, restrictions on the height of buildings in South West Rocks and a Flood Risk Management Reference Group for the Lower Macleay were among items discussed at the October meeting of Kempsey Shire Council.

Council has completed a high-level feasibility study for a new library following years of community requests saw it placed on a short-list of potential project sites identified in the South West Rocks structure plan. 

The report’s recommendation to allocate funds for a minor refurbishment of the existing South West Rocks library facility to improve the amenity and visitor experience was adopted.

The report found that a Council-owned building, built entirely with grant funding, is the only financially viable option for a new facility. As such Councillors confirmed Landsborough St as the preferred site for a future Library. It also noted that an expanded library would have significant increased ongoing operating costs. 

This informed the decision to shelve plans for a new library until funding is available. Council will continue to apply for grant funding and will be able to use the agreed dedicated site as part of any application. 

Councillors also considered a planning proposal to amend the Kempsey Local Environment Plan Height of Building map to align with the adopted South West Rocks Structure Plan. This outlines an 8.5m building height in most locations.

The changes to building heights align with community expectations and protects the existing natural environment and cultural heritage of the village as residential and commercial development increases. 

The re-establishment of the Kempsey Flood Risk Management Reference Group was considered by Councillors. The group is seen as an important addition to floodplain management and will promote better collaboration with landowners, state agencies, Council, and Council staff regarding the issues pertaining to flooding. 

Councillors also adopted three Notices of Motion. One to advocate to the State Government to reinstate the Active Kids vouchers. Another inviting newly elected school leaders to present to the February Council Meeting. And one to promote possible solutions for those residents affected by the Toose Road landslip.

For more information on the items discussed at the October Council meeting, visit