Special Rate Variation main item on Council's November meeting agenda

Published on 15 November 2023

Council chambers sign

Among the agenda items for consideration by Council is whether to proceed with a Special Rate Variation application to the NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART). Other items on the agenda include the successful applicants for the Community Grants Fund, and the recommendation to adopt the Verge 1 Sporting Field Masterplan.

You can register to speak to Councillors at the Public Forum on Monday 20 November. The meeting is only held if there are registered speakers.

The Ordinary Meeting will be held at the Majestic Cinemas in Kempsey Central from 9am on Tuesday 21 November. Strong public interest in Council's decision whether to apply for a rate increase has prompted the decision to move to a larger venue. The cinema will host both the ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 21 November and the Public Forum on the Monday afternoon before.

You can view the full November agenda and business papers at Council meeting agendas & minutes

The meeting will be live-streamed via Council's YouTube page and on the Kempsey Shire Council website. 

Special Rate Variation application

Council is considering a permanent Special Rate Variation application to the NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) to address Kempsey Shire Council's financial sustainability and maintain essential community infrastructure including Council’s road network.

In April 2023 Council resolved to conduct a detailed investigation into options for achieving financial sustainability including a review of asset management plans, proposed capital programs, possible service level reductions, assessing capacity to pay, and conducting community engagement.

The outcome of the investigation was to present a report to this meeting recommending whether an application for a Special Rate Variation would be required.

This report presents the results of that investigation, highlights how the Long Term Financial Plan has been revised and presents a path forward for financial sustainability that responds to the community’s significant issues with affordability.

Ultimately, the investigation has resulted in a reduction of the deficit position forecast over the next ten years and a recommendation to apply for an SRV at a reduced level of 42.7% over three years (7.9% in year one and 15% in years two and three). This has an impact of less than $2 a week for the average residential ratepayer in the first year of implementation.

Community Grant program

Council will consider approving community grants to the successful applicants of the Community Grants Program 2023-24, for the total amount of $45,003.

The Community Grants Program provides funding from Council to community groups and organisations.

Verge 1 Sporting Field Masterplan

Council will consider adopting the Verge 1 masterplan, which has been developed following the endorsement of the Macleay Valley Sports Strategy.

The master plan was developed in collaboration with user groups and broader community consultation.

The completed masterplan, once fully implemented, will deliver an inclusive and multi-user facility.

The facility will deliver a return to the Kempsey region through an expanded program of major sports events held in the region, as well as providing opportunities for multiple community user groups to interact with and benefit from the multi-use infrastructure on the Verge 1 site.

Order of Business considered in open session

8.1. Visitor Information Centre at South West Rocks Maritime Museum

10.1. Special Rate Variation

10.2. 2023-24 Quarter 1 Corporate Performance Report

10.3. Community Grant Program

10.4. Verge 1 Sporting Field Masterplan

10.5. Alcohol Free Zones

10.6. Local Event Day Applications

10.7. Annual Financial Statements

10.8. Development Activity and LEP Variations - Quarterly Snapshot

10.9. Code of Conduct Complaint Statistics

10.10. Petition - Special Rate Variation

10.11. Statement of Cash and Investments - October 2023

11.1. Rescission Motion - General Manager's Performance Review

12.1. Legal Matters

12.2. Audit, Risk & Improvement Committee Meeting Minutes - 25 October 2023

12.3. Tender for Multi Purpose Pavilion - Verge & Eden Street - TQE22/6

More information

You can read the detailed agenda and reports in the business papers

You can view the meeting on Council's YouTube page