SWR library and building height changes on October agenda
Published on 12 October 2023
Among the agenda items for consideration by Council is the feasibility plan conducted for the South West Rocks library and changes to the South West Rocks Height of Building map to align with the adopted Structure Plan among other items at its October meeting.
Additionally, Councillors will also consider three Notices of Motion on Active Kids Vouchers, School Leaders Presentation, and Toose Road rate reduction.
You can register to speak to Councillors at the Public Forum on Monday 17 October. The meeting is only held if there are registered speakers.
The Ordinary Meeting will be held in Council Chambers from 9am on Tuesday 17 October.
You can view the full October agenda and business papers at Council meeting agendas & minutes.
The meeting will be live-streamed via Council's YouTube page and on the Kempsey Shire Council website.
South West Rocks Library feasibility study
The existing library facility at South West Rocks is a demountable building that has long been in need of an upgrade. The facility does not meet the needs of the current population and is far from adequate for the projected future population.
Council has undertaken a high-level feasibility study for a new library based on a short-list of potential project sites within the South West Rocks structure plan footprint, to determine the most suitable site. This report details the findings and proposed next steps based on the completion of this high-level feasibility study including a recommendation for the allocation of funding for a minor refurbishment of the existing South West Rocks library facility to improve the amenity and visitor experience.
Councillors are being asked to suspend the project to Investigate options and design concepts for a new library facility and community centre at South West Rocks and remove the $485,000 budget allocated for this item as Council does not currently have budget for a project of this size nor for the ongoing costs associated with it. Funding opportunities for the development of this facility will continue to be pursued, noting that the last three grant applications seeking full project funding have been unsuccessful.
South West Rocks Structure Plan building heights
Council will consider a planning proposal to amend the KLEP 2013 Height of Building map to align with the adopted South West Rocks Structure Plan for progression to the next stage of the local plan making process.
The proposal is for an 8.5m building height in most locations with some exceptions.
The proposed changes to building heights are consistent with Council’s South West Rocks Structure Plan 2023 and aligns with both the community’s expectations and enhances the identified vision for this area.
Active Kids
There is a motion to acknowledge the importance of the Active Kids Vouchers to the community and the impact of their removal. It requests that Council writes to Members of NSW Parliament, requesting the NSW Government to reinstate the previous Active Kids vouchers
School leaders
A second Notice of Motion requests that Council writes to the high schools and colleges in the Macleay Valley to invite their School Leaders for 2024 to present at the February 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting.
Toose Road rates
Council will consider possible solutions for the affected property owners affected by the Toose Road landslip. The motion requests that Council advises affected property owners of the options available to them to seek a reduction in the amount of rates they pay including:
a. lodging an objection to their land valuation with the Valuer-General,
b. making an application to Council for consideration under Council’s Hardship procedure
c. requesting financial assistance for affected property owners from Council.
Order of Business considered in open session
10.1. South West Rocks Library - Planning Update & Proposed Refurbishment
10.2. Planning Proposal PP2300005 - SWR Structure Plan Building Heights
10.3. Establishment Flood Risk Management Reference Group
10.4. 2024 Local Event Day Applications
10.5. Council Offices, Libraries and Depot 2023 Christmas - New Year close down
10.6. Disclosure of Interest Returns
10.7. Statement of Cash and Investments - September 2023
11.1. Notice of Motion - Active Kids Vouchers
11.2. Notice of Motion - School Leaders Presentation
11.3. Notice of Motion - Toose Road Rate Reductions
11.4. Delegates Report - Country Mayors Association Regional Health Forum
12.1. Legal Matters
12.2. Audit, Risk & Improvement Committee Meeting Minutes - 12 September 2023
12.3. Willawarrin WTP Design & Construction Tender - TQE23/1
12.4. Sale of Land for Unpaid Rates and Charges
12.5. Confidential Mayoral Minute - General Manager's Performance Review
More information
You can read the detailed agenda and reports in the business papers.
You can view the meeting on Council's YouTube page.