How does Council spend my rates?

Published on 22 September 2023


Rates are collected from almost 15,500 rateable properties across the shire under four categories - residential, farmland, business urban and business other. 

That income from property or ‘general fund’ rates (which excludes water, sewer and waste charges) is just over $23 million for the current financial year. This is only 21% of Council’s general fund income with the remainder coming from grants, user fees and charges and other revenue. 

Residential rates make up the biggest proportion with 13,144 properties paying rates. The average residential general rate charged across the Kempsey Shire for 2023-24 is $1,274.

That income from rates is used to meet community expectations for core services and to support delivery of services that are not commonly supplemented by grants. This year’s budget will see that income allocated as follows:

23%     Roads, bridges and stormwater drains

19%     Corporate operating services (Human Resources, Finance, Customer Service, Information Technology)

13%     Sporting grounds, parks and gardens

12%     Town planning, building and development regulation

10%     Buildings and facilities

7%       Public infrastructure buildings and services

5%       Airport

The remaining 11% is spent across Council’s fleet of vehicles, library services, swimming pools, economic development and regulatory services.

We estimate a further $50 million will be received this year in grants for capital infrastructure and programs. This will help fund major projects such as the replacement of timber bridges, resealing parts of Armidale Road damaged by natural disasters, and completing the Verge and Eden Street sports complex upgrade.

Unfortunately, we cannot rely on receiving this level of extra grant income every year. In the future, the available income to continue delivering the services the community expects is likely to reduce.

For more information on Council’s budget process, the three potential options being considered for a Special Rate Variation and ways in which you can have a say visit or the information stand at the Customer Service Centre in Kempsey.