Council extend exhibition period of proposed Crescent Head subdivision

Published on 15 February 2022

An aerial shot of the proposed subdivision for Crescent Head

The February 2022 Ordinary Meeting of Kempsey Shire Council took place in Council Chambers from 9am on Tuesday 15 February.

Among the items outlined on the agenda, Councillors agreed to extend the notification period of a proposed subdivision development in Crescent Head, to adopt a Biodiversity Strategy and to proceed with a one-off plan to rezone land at 600 Macleay Valley Way for a highway service centre.

For a full outline of the meeting and the discussion points, please refer to the Agenda and Business Papers

Extending notification period of proposed Crescent Head subdivision development  

A motion was raised and accepted on whether the community notification and exhibition period for a proposed Crescent Head subdivision development should be extended for two weeks. This motion was carried and the period will be extended until 14 March 2022.

Kempsey Shire Biodiversity Strategy 2022

Councillors endorsed the draft Biodiversity Strategy and noted that the actions and outcomes in the strategy will be included in Council’s Delivery Program and Operational Plan where relevant.

Last year, the draft Biodiversity Strategy was on public exhibition for 42 days. Council received 50 community submissions and 232 individual comments, which have been included in a revised document.

600 Macleay Valley Way, South Kempsey – Planning Proposal

Councillors agreed to accept the proposed amendment to the Kempsey Local Environmental Plan 2013 for a lot of land at 600 Macleay Valley Way, South Kempsey. As this land is zoned as is RU2-Rural Landscape, using this land as a highway service centre is prohibited.  

In August 2021, Council agreed to submit the planning proposal for gateway determination to permit this land to be used as a highway service centre, and in September 2021 permission was granted. Amending the Kempsey Local Environmental Plan 2013 is the next step in progressing this planning proposal. 

Progress of the 2021-22 Delivery Program and Operational Plan

Council reviewed the progress and outcomes of the 2021-22 Budget from October to December 2021 and noted the financial sustainability program, key performance indicators report and grant status summary.

Council accepted the recommendation to adopt the new budget for constructing Waste Cell 4 at the Waste Management Centre on Crescent Head Road. The new budget is set at $7.221 million, reflecting the unexpected additional costs required to complete the project including:

  • discovering historic waste and environmental factors at the site meant plans had to be modified;
  • seeking Environment Protection Agency approval for the said changes; and
  • dealing with COVID-19 impacts on the supply chain.

Councillors noted there is a need to proceed with this project as the landfill site will reach its capacity in September 2022 and, without Cell 4, Council will not be able to process landfill waste in the shire. Council also noted this reality as an opportunity to roll out waste education to the shire.

Review of Committees and Appointment of Delegates

The several committees and working groups at Council were discussed and Council agreed to disband:

  • Economic Development and Tourism Committee
  • Gladstone Tennis Club
  • Smithtown Hall Committee.

Council was asked to decide which Councillors would be appointed to the following committees:

Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee

Required by Local Government New South Wales. This committee plays a key corporate governance role, working closely with Council’s Internal Auditor to oversee financial statements, position and risk management. The Councillor observer role improves transparency, acting as a messenger between the independent committee members and the Councillors.

  • Councillor Kerri Riddington

Australia Day Awards Committee

Traditionally, the Mayor and is one other Councillor is nominated for the committee. It was resolved that two Councillors would join the committee and would be:

  • Councillor Kerri Riddington
  • Councillor Liz Campbell

Bushfire Management Committee and Zone Liaison Committee

  • Councillor Arthur Bain
  • Councillor Simon Fergusson was nominated as the alternate delegate

ClubGRANTS Committee

Grants provided from registered clubs to local community organisations.

  • Mayor Leo Hauville

Local Traffic Committee

This committee meets four times a year and is made up of representatives of Council, Police and Transport for NSW and local state member (or their nominee). The committee makes recommendations to improve road safety in the shire.

An election by opening voting between Mayor Leo Hauville and Councillor Kerri Riddington was conducted, receiving four votes each. The two nominees’ names were placed in a barrel and drawn out, with Councillor Kerri Riddington elected to the committee.

  • Councillor Kerri Riddington 

Melville Hall and Sports Entertainment Centre Management Committee

Oversees the management of the centre, including organising bookings, managing money and providing maintenance to the building.

  • Mayor Leo Hauville

Mid North Coast Regional Arts Board

  • Councillor Liz Campbell

Public Libraries Association North-East Zone Committee

  • Councillor Arthur Bain Councillor
  • Councillor Kerri Riddington as the alternate delegate (if applicable)

South West Rocks Sports and Recreation Association

  • Councillor Kerri Riddington
  • Councillor Anthony Patterson as the alternate delegate

All elections to committees will be reviewed at the September 2022 Council meeting.

Code of Meeting Practice

Through open voting, Council deferred this item to the April meeting to allow newly elected Councillors time to understand and grasp the Code of Meeting Practice. 

Point Plomer Road at Big Hill inclusion in Limeburners Creek National Park

Council agreed that a section of Council-managed road at Point Plomer will be added to the Limeburners Creek National Park’s management. This section of road does not serve any properties and the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service has serviced this road for many years.

Devils Nook Landslip remediation

A tender was awarded for the Devils Nook Landslip Remediation (Kempsey-Armidale Road). The slip at Devils Nook that occurred in January 2021 following heavy rainfall was declared a natural disaster and resulted in residents of Bellbrook being isolated for a period of time.

This project will carry out remediation on a large unstable area of the embankment to prevent ongoing risk to the community and road infrastructure. Once the site is remediated, the road surface will also be restored.

Other outcomes

Council agreed to adopt the draft Code of Conduct, which will be effective from Wednesday 16 February 2022.

Council noted and adopted the Local Traffic Committee minutes from 7 December 2021.

Council noted the Quarterly Development Activity Statistics and Local Environmental Plan Variations for the period of October, November and December 2021.

Council noted the Statement of Cash and Investments for January 2022  

The tender for the supply and installation of roadside safety barriers was discussed. These barriers will help improve road safety and driver behaviour.

For a full outline of the meeting and the discussion points, please refer to the Agenda and Business Papers.    

Watch the February Council Meeting