A new Deputy Mayor and new home for the Crescent Head shed
Published on 19 September 2023
Kempsey Shire Councillors voted Councillor Riddington as Deputy Mayor, decided to relocate the amenities shed and exhibit the revised Crescent Head Holiday Park Concept Plan, as well as other items during Council's ordinary September meeting.
The meeting was held in Council Chambers from 9am on 19 September 2023. You can read the detailed agenda and reports in the business papers and a video of the meeting can be viewed on Council's YouTube page and below.
New Deputy Mayor elected
Councillors elected Councillor Riddington as Deputy Mayor. See site story for more information.
New location for Crescent Head shed
At the 15 August meeting, Councillors requested a further report to the September ordinary Council meeting about the relocation of the Crescent Head Holiday Park shed, after an onsite meeting with Councillors, staff and representatives of the Crescent Head Residents and Ratepayers Association, Crecent Head Country Club, and Australian Tourist Park Management (ATPM).
Following that meeting a new plan was made, now adopted, that will:
- Move the shed to the space south-west of its current position to adjacent powered sites, set below the street and tucked in behind trees to minimise its impact on the view.
- Reinstate a 1.5 metre wide disability-accessible footpath.
- Repurpose the concrete slab on which the current shed sites for holiday park use, such as storage of garbage bins.
Crown land Plan of Management - update
Council has been working with the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) since 2021 to develop the draft Council Managed Crown Land Plan of Management (POM) and has submitted the final draft for review and Minister's consent.
When the Minister has approved the POM, Council will place it on public exhibition for a minimum of 42 days to give the community suitable time for review and submission. There will also be community engagement regarding leases proposed for renewal, including the Crescent Head Country Club's request for a long-term lease for the golf course and tennis court area. Their current lease expires on 31 December 2027.
To ensure overall consistency of planning, the Crescent Head foreshore revitalisation project will be placed on hold until the draft Council Managed Crown Land Plan of Management is finalised and adopted, and the proposed Community Advisory Group endorsed for that project will have its scope expanded to include areas proposed for leases on Crown reserve in Crescent Head.
New Public Interest Disclosures Policy adopted by Council
Councillors voted to adopt the new public interest disclosures legislation, which will begin in NSW on 1 October 2023. This is the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 (the PID Act), and it will apply to all NSW public sector agencies, including local Councils.
When a public official reports suspected or possible wrongdoing in the public sector, their report will be a public interest disclosure (PID) if it has certain features which are set out in the PID Act.
Accurately identifying PIDs is important because if a report is a PID, the public official who made the report will have special protections under the PID Act, including:
Immunity from civil and criminal liability that might otherwise arise because they made the report.
Protections from detrimental action, such as bullying, harassment or dismissal.
Power to seek a court order where detrimental action is threatened or has occurred.
Notices of Motion
Dementia Awareness
Councillors approved a Notice of Motion asking that Council support key stakeholders in Kempsey Shire to create a more inclusive community for those living with dementia and their supporters. Councillors were asked to note that September is Dementia Awareness Month, that 18-24 September is Dementia Awareness Week, and this year's theme is "Act Now for a Dementia-Friendly Future". Council will actively promote information in regular Council communication to increase awareness, and to make available Council facilities to community stakeholders to hold meetings.
The motion was passed.
For more information on Dementia Awareness Month, visit our web story here: ksc.pub/dementia
Waste Vouchers
Councillors approved a Notice of Motion asking that Council considers effective methods to make sure that renters are aware of and have access to the waste vouchers that are assigned to the property they live in. Councillors also requested that a report be submitted to Councillors in May 2024 that details the number of waste vouchers that were redeemed in the 2023-24 year, methods used to inform people about the waste voucher system, and recommendations on whether waste vouchers can be issued directly to renters. The motion was passed.
For more information on the Waste Voucher system used by Kempsey Shire Council, visit our web story here: ksc.pub/waste-vouchers
Varroa Mite
Councillors approved a Notice of Motion requesting that Council acknowledge the economic and social impact of the Varroa Mite on beekeeping families and businesses in the Kempsey Shire. Councillor Kempsey Council will also advocate on behalf of affected beekeepers for adequate compensation, access to disaster support services and the development of recovery strategy bee keeping industry in Kempsey Shire (in consultation with industry). The Motion was passed.
For more information on Varroa Mite, go to our website story here: ksc.pub/varroa-mite
Other Business considered in open session
9.1. Local Traffic Committee Meeting Minutes - 5 September 2023
10.4. Planning Proposal PP-2022-4108 Lot 1 Beranghi Road, Crescent Head
10.6. Classification of Land Acquired by Council as Operational - Stuarts Point Sewerage Scheme
10.7. Bellbrook Waste Transfer Station Green Waste Fee Amendment
10.8. 2022-2023 Annual Financial Statements
10.9. Statement of Cash and Investments - August 2023
11.4. Delegates Report - Bush Fire Management Committee - August 2023
11.5. Delegates Report - Country Mayors Association of NSW meeting and meeting with the Hon.
Rose Jackson MLC
12.1. Legal Matters
12.2. Land Acquisitions for the Maria River Road Project
You can view the September 2023 agenda, official minutes, and business papers at Council meeting agendas & minutes.
The meeting was live-streamed via Council's YouTube page
Watch the recording of the video here.