Crescent Head, Adventure Park and the Rise DA top Council's Agenda

Published on 15 August 2023


Kempsey Councillors considered the Rise Development DA, the proposed placement of the Crescent Head shed as part of a revised concept plan for the Crescent Head Holiday Park, and the status of the Macleay Valley Adventure Park, as well as other items during Council's ordinary August meeting.

The meeting was held in Council Chambers from 9am on 15 August 2023. You can read the detailed agenda and reports in the business papers and a video of the meeting can be viewed on Council's YouTube page and below.

Rise Development - South West Rocks

Councillors voted at the August meeting to grant development consent for construction for a multi-dwelling housing, neighbourhood shops, and takeaway food and drink premises at Lot 2 DP1091323 Phillip Drive, South West Rocks.

The proposal for the development, known as Rise, was comprehensively assessed against the relevant legislative considerations, planning controls and anticipated environmental impacts, and as result the approval was granted with inclusion of 72 conditions, which protect wetlands on the site, manage stormwater impacts, acid sulphate soils and contamination, and infrastructure capacity, as well as privacy concerns for adjoining residences.

More than 100 submissions were received from the community highlighting environmental and privacy concerns which contributed to the removal of a planned five story residential apartment. The development consists of 18 attached or semi-detached townhouses, twelve fully attached two-storey units as a single multi-housing building, and a commercial element which consists of six retail tenancies including a café.

For more information on the history of this development: Development in South West Rocks - Kempsey Shire Council working with the Macleay Valley community (

Crescent Head Holiday Park Revised Concept Plan

Councillors considered an alternative location for a maintenance shed in Crescent Head Holiday Park at the August Ordinary Meeting of Council, along with four other recommendations.

Councillors requested a further report to the September ordinary council meeting in relation to the relocation of the shed following a meeting onsite with Councillors, staff and representatives of the Crescent Head Residents and Ratepayers Association, Crecent Head Country Club, and Australian Tourist Park Management (ATPM).

Following the resolution at the July Council Meeting, Council has continued to investigate options regarding the maintenance shed in Crescent Head Holiday Park. Council staff have prepared a report to Councillors addressing the visual, practical, and financial impacts of the shed and other future changes planned at the Crescent Head Holiday Park.

The report recommended moving the shed south-west of its current position to adjacent powered sites, set below the street and tucked in behind trees to minimise its impact on the view. This option would reduce park revenue, but these losses can be offset by future accommodation improvements, including the construction of safari tents and upgrading powered sites.

Macleay Valley Adventure Park Update

After reviewing the project’s history, and considering abandoning the project, Councillors resolved at their August meeting to consider the independent viability of the project in a further report.

The capacity to deliver the entire project was compromised after Council learned on 27 July that a request submitted in December for additional funding to cover increased project costs was unsuccessful. As such, a reduced project delivering some components is under consideration.

The Department of Regional NSW (DRNSW) has offered to develop a proposal for a reduced scope using the existing approved funding and then conduct an independent review to determine if the reduced project remains viable within the remaining timeframes and budget. If the reduced scope of the facility is assessed by the funding body as not viable, the funding agreement will be terminated.

For more information on the Adventure park: Council to consider an independent review of the Adventure Park - Kempsey Shire Council working with the Macleay Valley community (

Our Creative Macleay - Arts and Culture Plan

Our Creative Macleay, Arts and Culture Plan was adopted at the August Ordinary Council meeting following an extensive research and engagement program to develop an achievable plan, supported by the creative industry.

In recommending the plan's adoption, Councillor Kinne Ring, Kempsey Shire Council’s representative on the Board of Arts Mid North Coast, highlighted the role arts and culture plays in building pride and helping the community form its identity.

This new plan replaces the existing Cultural and Public Art policy adopted in 2017. Council also agreed to consider including arts and culture in the 2024-25 draft budget. 

Council is updating a range of policies and procedures that have guided our work in the area of arts and culture, developing a plan to continue to foster a vibrant and innovative community through arts and culture. Our Creative Macleay is a practical, action focused plan covering the role Council plays as a facilitator, funder and advocate for arts and culture.

This plan was on public display in July 2023. 

Toose Road - Crown Road Land Acquisition

Council has resolved to proceed with the compulsory acquisition of the Crown Road adjoining Lot 5 DP 752421 for the purpose of the construction of a new road at Bellbrook NSW.

The preferred long-term access solution identified under the Toose Road Access Options Study is the construction of a bridge and associated roadworks at Kempsey – Armidale Road. This access solution uses a Crown road corridor in Bellbrook between Armidale Road in the north and Toose Road in the south. Acquisition of the Crown land comprising this corridor is required for Council to construct this road.

More information on the history of Toose road can be found here: Toose Road landslip - Kempsey Shire Council working with the Macleay Valley community (

Other Business considered in open session

10.5. LGNSW Annual Conference 2023

10.6. 2022-23 Quarter 4 Corporate Performance Report

10.7. Carry Over and Revote Budgets

10.8. 2023-24 Key Performance Indicators

10.10. Alcohol Free Zone - Temporary Zone Suspension

10.11. Statement of Cash and Investments - July 2023

11.1. Notice of Motion - Recognition of Emeritus Mayor Liz Campbell

11.2. Notice of Motion - Kempsey CBD Levies

11.3. Delegates Report - Australian Local Government Association Regional Forum, National General Assembly of the Australian Local Government Association and Australian Council of Local Government Conferences

12.1. Legal Matters

12.2. Audit, Risk & Improvement Committee Meeting Minutes - 26 July 2023

More information

You can view the August 2023 agenda and business papers at Council meeting agendas & minutes.

The meeting was live-streamed via Council's YouTube page 

Watch the recording of the video here.