Delegations of Authority
Delegations of Authority allow Council to operate effectively and efficiently. They do this by providing the General Manager with sufficient power and authority to generally manage, control and administer Council affairs on a day-to-day basis.
- PN: 0001 - General Manager(PDF, 470KB)
- PN: 0007 - Director Corporate and Commercial(PDF, 89KB)
- PN: 0008 - Director Operations and Planning(PDF, 87KB)
- PN:0009 - Director Utilities (PDF, 174KB)
- PN: 0020 - Manager Governance and Information Services(PDF, 74KB)
- PN: 0049 - Manager Commercial Business(PDF, 73KB)
- PN: 0050 - Manager Community Partnerships(PDF, 150KB)
- PN: 0051 - Manager Development and Compliance(PDF, 78KB)
- PN: 0052 - Manager Infrastructure Delivery(PDF, 75KB)
- PN: 0053 - Manager Strategic and Asset Planning(PDF, 72KB)
- PN: 0054 - Manager Water and Sewer(PDF, 63KB)
- PN: 0055 - Manager Organisation Development & Performance(PDF, 71KB)
- PN: 0058 - Manager Corporate Projects(PDF, 63KB)
- PN: 0100 - Development Engineer (Cadet)(PDF, 176KB)
- PN: 0102 - Finance and Business Analyst(PDF, 71KB)
- PN: 0109 - Coordinator Works(PDF, 64KB)
- PN: 0113 - Natural Resources Officer Senior(PDF, 69KB)
- PN: 0127 - Trainee Building Surveyor(PDF, 165KB)
- PN: 0131 - Coordinator Civic Services(PDF, 70KB)
- PN: 0132 - Coordinator Library(PDF, 68KB)
- PN: 0142 - Coordinator Procurement & Fleet Management(PDF, 70KB)
- PN: 0144 - Coordinator Information Technology(PDF, 69KB)
- PN: 0157 - Coordinator Engineering Design and Assets(PDF, 69KB)
- PN: 0160 - Works Engineer(PDF, 64KB)
- PN: 0161 - Process Engineer(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 0164 - Project Manager(PDF, 64KB)
- PN: 0168 - Coordinator Strategic and Environmental Planning(PDF, 72KB)
- PN: 0169 - Coordinator Community Development(PDF, 69KB)
- PN: 0170 - Coordinator Organisation Development(PDF, 70KB)
- PN: 0171 - Corporate Performance Coordinator(PDF, 67KB)
- PN: 0172 - Waste Manager (PDF, 564KB)
- PN: 0173 - Coordinator Economic Development and Tourism(PDF, 79KB)
- PN: 0174 - Coordinator Development Assessment(PDF, 187KB)
- PN: 0176 - Internal Auditor(PDF, 65KB)
- PN: 0177 - Maintenance Engineer(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 0178 - Coordinator Water and Sewer Services Planner(PDF, 70KB)
- PN: 0179 - Flood and Drainage Engineer(PDF, 64KB)
- PN: 0180 - Coordinator Communications(PDF, 63KB)
- PN: 0182 - Coordinator Parks Projects (Temp)(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 0186 - Principal Planner(PDF, 181KB)
- PN: 0187 - Coordinator Project Management PMO(PDF, 61KB)
- PN: 0189 - Maintenance Engineer (Infrastructure Delivery)(PDF, 120KB)
- PN: 0190 - Customer Experience Manager(PDF, 139KB)
- PN: 0191 - Finance Manager(PDF, 162KB)
- PN: 0195 - Commercial Assets Coordinator (PDF, 81KB)
- PN: 0196 - Airport Operations Coordinator(PDF, 84KB)
- PN: 0197 - Community Engagement Manager(PDF, 144KB)
- PN: 1002 - Senior Rates Officer(PDF, 67KB)
- PN: 1003 - Finance Officer(PDF, 63KB)
- PN: 1004 - Information Technology Service Officer(PDF, 62KB)
- PN: 1006 - Ranger(PDF, 66KB)
- PN: 1007 - Library Technican(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 1009 - Infrastructure Design Officer(PDF, 62KB)
- PN: 1012 - GIS Officer(PDF, 66KB)
- PN: 1017 - Traffic Facilities Officer(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 1018 - Environmental Health Officer(PDF, 65KB)
- PN: 1019 - Coordinator Maintenance Response(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 1020 - Team Leader Bridge Crew(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 1022 - Team Leader Civil Construction(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 1024 - Team Leader Down River Maintenance(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 1025 - Team Leader Civil Works(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 1026 - Team Leader Construction(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 1027 - Team Leader Construction(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 1028 - Coordinator Workshop(PDF, 130KB)
- PN: 1029 - Team Leader Village Maintenance(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 1031 - Team Leader Kempsey Maintenance(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 1037 - Coordinator Environmental Health(PDF, 71KB)
- PN: 1039 - Infrastructure Design Officer(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 1040 - Team Leader Office Support(PDF, 64KB)
- PN: 1041 - Team Leader Road Works(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 1045 - Team Leader Water Construction(PDF, 59KB)
- PN: 1054 - Weeds Officer(PDF, 65KB)
- PN: 1059 - Environmental Strategies Officer(PDF, 64KB)
- PN: 1060 - Team Leader Waste Services(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 1061 - Building Surveyor(PDF, 168KB)
- PN: 1065 - Development Compliance Officer(PDF, 1MB)
- PN: 1067 - Liquid Trade Waste Officer(PDF, 1MB)
- PN: 1073 - Principal Work Health and Safety Advisor(PDF, 65KB)
- PN: 1079 - Coordinator Customer Service(PDF, 65KB)
- PN: 1080 - Building Surveyor(PDF, 168KB)
- PN: 1093 - Team Leader Electrical(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 1096 - Team Leader Water Treatment(PDF, 59KB)
- PN: 1097 - Team Leader Sewer Treatment(PDF, 59KB)
- PN: 1098 - Team Leader Water Maintenance(PDF, 59KB)
- PN: 2006 - Town Planner(PDF, 181KB)
- PN: 2007 - Town Planner(PDF, 184KB)
- PN: 2008 - Town Planner(PDF, 185KB)
- PN: 2019 - Coordinator Maintenance(PDF, 60KB)
- PN: 2022 - Community Projects Officer - Road Safety(PDF, 63KB)
- PN: 2024 - Waste Strategy & Education Officer(PDF, 65KB)
- PN: 2025 - Technical Support Officer Operations(PDF, 60KB)
- PN: 2027 - Project Officer Water(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 2029 - Technical Support Officer Water Process(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 2034 - Communications Officer(PDF, 65KB)
- PN: 2035 - Team Leader SWR Maintenance(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 2043 - Senior Operator Water Asset Renewal(PDF, 59KB)
- PN: 2044 - Team Leader Mechanical(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 2046 - Team Leader Bitumen Patching(PDF, 66KB)
- PN: 2047 - Team Leader Minor Works(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 2048 - Infrastructure Assets Engineer(PDF, 65KB)
- PN: 2053 - Team Leader Up River Crew(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 2054 - Team Leader Civil Works(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 2056 - Strategic Planning Officer(PDF, 66KB)
- PN: 2057 - Water Operations Engineer(PDF, 59KB)
- PN: 2059 - Executive Officer Corporate and Commercial(PDF, 65KB)
- PN: 2060 - Executive Officer Operations and Planning(PDF, 65KB)
- PN: 2061 - Executive Officer (Mayor)(PDF, 64KB)
- PN: 2062 - Grants and Contributions Coordinator(PDF, 65KB)
- PN: 2064 - Senior Operator Water & Sewer Network(PDF, 55KB)
- PN: 2067 - Project Manager Water & Sewer(PDF, 60KB)
- PN: 2076 - Sustainability Project Officer(PDF, 59KB)
- PN: 2078 - Water and Sewer Planning Engineer(PDF, 71KB)
- PN: 2085 - Team Leader Finance(PDF, 68KB)
- PN: 2086 - Project Manager(PDF, 65KB)
- PN: 2088 - Project Manager(PDF, 65KB)
- PN: 2089 - Project Manager(PDF, 65KB)
- PN: 2091 - Project Officer(PDF, 132KB)
- PN: 2093 - Operations Supervisor, Slim Dusty Centre(PDF, 66KB)
- PN: 2094 - Facilities & Operations Supervisor(PDF, 132KB)
- PN: 2096 - Project Officer (PDF, 133KB)
- PN:2097 - Executive Officer (PDF, 80KB)
- PN:2098 - Property Coordinator(PDF, 392KB)
- PN: 5000 - Organisation Development Advisor(PDF, 63KB)
- PN: 5001 - Tourist Information Officer(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5003 - Governance Officer(PDF, 134KB)
- PN: 5004 - Information Officer(PDF, 107KB)
- PN: 5005 - Customer Service Operator(PDF, 62KB)
- PN: 5006 - Administration Officer(PDF, 63KB)
- PN: 5007 - Administration Support Officer(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5010 - Asset Maintenance Officer(PDF, 55KB)
- PN: 5011 - Customer Service Operator(PDF, 61KB)
- PN: 5012 - Debt Recovery Officer(PDF, 61KB)
- PN: 5014 - Customer Service Officer(PDF, 62KB)
- PN: 5016 - Community Projects Officer(PDF, 63KB)
- PN: 5020 - Library Assistant(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5021 - Branch Librarian(PDF, 61KB)
- PN: 5022 - Library Assistant(PDF, 61KB)
- PN: 5023 - Library Assistant(PDF, 61KB)
- PN: 5026 - Development Support Officer(PDF, 63KB)
- PN: 5033 - Ranger(PDF, 65KB)
- PN: 5035 - Customer Service Officer(PDF, 62KB)
- PN: 5037 - Operator Sewer Process(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5054 - Electrical Fitter(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5058 - Electrical Fitter(PDF, 59KB)
- PN: 5060 - Mechanical Fitter(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 5061 - Mechanical Fitter(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 5064 - Mechanical Fitter(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5066 - Plant Operator Roller(PDF, 55KB)
- PN: 5078 - Street Sweeper Operator(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5079 - Civil Construction / Bridge Carpenter(PDF, 59KB)
- PN: 5084 - Motor Mechanic(PDF, 106KB)
- PN: 5088 - Labourer General(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5089 - Ride on Mower Operator(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5090 - Ride on Mower Operator(PDF, 65KB)
- PN: 5091 - Truck Driver(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5092 - Backhoe Operator(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5093 - Plant Operator Roller(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5094 - Tractor Slasher/Slopes Mower Operator(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 5096 - Tractor Mower Operator(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5097 - Backhoe Operator/Truck Driver Upriver(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 5098 - Crane Driver(PDF, 61KB)
- PN: 5099 - Truck Driver(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5101 - Team Leader Bitumen Patching(PDF, 55KB)
- PN: 5104 - Backhoe Operator(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5105 - Backhoe Operator(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5107 - Excavator Operator(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5108 - Low Loader Truck Operator(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5109 - Relief Truck Driver(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5110 - Loader Operator(PDF, 55KB)
- PN: 5111 - Plant Operator(PDF, 55KB)
- PN: 5113 - Grader Operator(PDF, 50KB)
- PN: 5114 - Ride on Mower Operator(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5115 - Cemeteries Maintenance Officer(PDF, 55KB)
- PN: 5118 - Labourer General(PDF, 55KB)
- PN: 5119 - Ride on Mower Operator(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5120 - Labourer General(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5121 - Labourer General(PDF, 55KB)
- PN: 5122 - Carpenter(PDF, 55KB)
- PN: 5123 - Labourer General(PDF, 55KB)
- PN: 5124 - Labourer General(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5125 - Labourer General(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 5126 - Roller Operator
- PN: 5127 - Labourer General(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5128 - Labourer General(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 5129 - Labourer General(PDF, 61KB)
- PN: 5130 - Tradesperson Open Spaces and Facilities(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5131 - Labourer Open Spaces & Facilities(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5132 - Senior GIS Officer(PDF, 63KB)
- PN: 5134 - Plant Operator(PDF, 55KB)
- PN: 5135 - Labourer Open Spaces & Facilities(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5136 - Tradeperson - Kempsey Open Spaces(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5141 - Civic Maintenance Team Member(PDF, 55KB)
- PN: 5142 -Civic Maintenance Team Member(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 5143 - Civic Maintenance Team Member(PDF, 55KB)
- PN: 5144 - Civic Maintenance Team Member(PDF, 112KB)
- PN: 5145 - Civic Maintenance Team Member(PDF, 55KB)
- PN: 5147 - Civic Maintenance Team Member(PDF, 133KB)
- PN: 5148 - Plant Operator Relief(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5149 - Truck Driver(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5151 - Truck Driver(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 5159 - Cemeteries Maintenance Assistant(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5160 - Motor Mechanic(PDF, 106KB)
- PN: 5162 - Library Assistant(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5165 - Executive Officer (General Manager)(PDF, 63KB)
- PN: 5166 - Labourer General(PDF, 55KB)
- PN: 5167 - Labourer General(PDF, 55KB)
- PN: 5168 - Labourer General(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5169 - Storeman(PDF, 63KB)
- PN: 5170 - Labourer General(PDF, 61KB)
- PN: 5173 - Electrical Fitter(PDF, 62KB)
- PN: 5174 - Electrical Fitter(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5178 - Roller Operator(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5181 - Labourer General(PDF, 55KB)
- PN: 5182 - Tradesperson Open Space & Facilities(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 5183 - Banks Mower Operator(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 5188 - Open Spaces & Facilities Relief Team Member(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5196 - Landfill Operator(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5197 - Waste Services Operator(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 5204 - Landfill Operator(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5207 - Mechanical Fitter(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5213 - Cleaner/Environmental Monitoring Assistant(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5216 - Plant Mechanic(PDF, 107KB)
- PN: 5219 - Procurement and Fleet Officer(PDF, 63KB)
- PN: 5221 - Tradesperson Open Spaces & Facilities(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 5222 - Tradesperson Open Spaces & Facilities(PDF, 61KB)
- PN: 5225 - Customer Service Officer(PDF, 62KB)
- PN: 5230 - Customer Service Officer - Part Time(PDF, 63KB)
- PN: 5232 - Administration Support Officer Sustainable Environ(PDF, 61KB)
- PN: 5233 - (PDF, 57KB)Administration Support Officer Sustainable Environ(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 5240 - Customer Service Officer(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5242 - Administration Officer(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 5243 - Organisation Development Advisor(PDF, 63KB)
- PN: 5244 - Reference & e-Resources Librarian(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 5245 - Information Technology Service Officer(PDF, 65KB)
- PN: 5250 - Economic Sustainability Officer(PDF, 64KB)
- PN: 5251 - Communications Officer(PDF, 63KB)
- PN: 5258 - Asset Officer Water(PDF, 64KB)
- PN: 5259 - Senior Operator Water & Sewer Network(PDF, 60KB)
- PN: 5261 - Accounts Officer Water(PDF, 68KB)
- PN: 5271 - Customer Service Officer Part Time(PDF, 63KB)
- PN: 5272 - Information Officer(PDF, 64KB)
- PN: 5273 - Information Officer Part Time(PDF, 64KB)
- PN: 5281 - Marketing and Senior's Librarian(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 5289 - Finance and Business Analyst(PDF, 67KB)
- PN: 5291 - Maintenance Officer(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5294 - Assistant Rates Officer(PDF, 65KB)
- PN: 5297 - Commercial Assets Officer(PDF, 65KB)
- PN: 5299 - Information Technology Support Officer(PDF, 63KB)
- PN: 5300 - Operator Water Process(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5301 - Operator Water Process(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5302 - Operator Water Process(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5303 - Operator Water Process(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5304 - Operator Water Process(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5305 - Operator Water Process(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5306 - Operator Sewer Process(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5307 - Operator Sewer Process(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5308 - Operator Sewer Process(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5309 - Operator Sewer Process(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5311 - Operator Sewer Process(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5314 - Operator Construction(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 5316 - Operator Construction(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5317 - Operator Construction(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 5318 - Operator Water & Sewer Network(PDF, 59KB)
- PN: 5319 - Operator Maintenance(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 5320 - Operator Maintenance(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5321 - Operator Water Maintenance(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5322 - Operator Water Maintenance(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5323 - Operator Sewer Process(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5324 - Operator Water Maintenance(PDF, 59KB)
- PN: 5325 - Operator Maintenance(PDF, 60KB)
- PN: 5329 - Operator Sewer Process(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5333 - Operator Construction(PDF, 59KB)
- PN: 5336 - Waste Transfer Station Operator(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 5339 - Operator Water Process(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5340 - Operator Water Process(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5344 - Operator Sewer Process(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5346 - Operator Water Asset Renewal(PDF, 59KB)
- PN: 5347 - Operator Water Asset Renewal(PDF, 59KB)
- PN: 5348 - Operator Water Asset Renewal(PDF, 59KB)
- PN: 5349 - Operator Water Asset Renewal(PDF, 59KB)
- PN: 5351 - Administration Officer Water(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5352 - Labourer General(PDF, 55KB)
- PN: 5353 - Labourer General(PDF, 55KB)
- PN: 5359 - Boilermaker(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5362 - Plant Operator(PDF, 55KB)
- PN: 5369 - Labourer General(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5374 - Administration Assistant Part Time(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5377 - Attendant Sewer Process(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5378 - Operator Water Process(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5380 - Waste Recycling Attendant(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5381 - Labourer General(PDF, 55KB)
- PN: 5382 - Labourer General(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5383 - Labourer General(PDF, 55KB)
- PN: 5384 - Labourer General(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5387 - Administration Assistant Part Time Temporary(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 5388 - Project Weeds Officer Temporary(PDF, 65KB)
- PN: 5393 - Environmental Health Officer - Septic Inspector Temporary(PDF, 64KB)
- PN: 5395 - Relief Plant Operator(PDF, 55KB)
- PN: 5397 - Waste Services Administration and Weighbridge Officer(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 5398 - Library Assistant Part Time
- PN: 5400 - Instrument Technician(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5404 - Civil Construction Carpenter
- PN: 5406 - Trades Assistant Engineering Trades(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5407 - Trades Assistant Engineering Trades(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5408 - Application Developer Temporary
- PN: 5410 - Library Assistant Part Time
- PN: 5416 - Operator Water & Sewer Network(PDF, 60KB)
- PN: 5417 - Library Assistant Casual
- PN: 5418 - Library Assistant Casual
- PN: 5426 - People and Culture Advisor(PDF, 131KB)
- PN: 5427 - Motor Mechanic(PDF, 106KB)
- PN:5437 - Ranger Temporary(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 5447 - Property Officer(PDF, 144KB)
- PN: 5450 - Team Leader Rangers(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 5451 - Environmental Assessment Officer(PDF, 57KB)
- PN:5456 - Economic Development Project Officer(PDF, 134KB)
- PN: 5457 - Community Projects Officer - Engagement(PDF, 63KB)
- PN: 5462 - Communications Officer
- PN: 5463 - Communications Officer
- PN: 5466 - Librarian(PDF, 63KB)
- PN:5480 - Waste Compliance and Contracts Officer(PDF, 527KB)
- PN: 5491 - Business Support Officer(PDF, 51KB)
- PN: 5498 - Motor Mechanic (PDF, 107KB)
- PN: 5499 - Asset and Accounting Officer(PDF, 140KB)
- PN: 5511 - Procurements and Contract Officer(PDF, 133KB)
PN: 5512 - Venue Support Officer(PDF, 114KB)
PN: 5515 - System Administrator(PDF, 95KB)
PN: 5516 - Museum and Gallery Curator(PDF, 180KB)
PN:5517 - Electrical and Instrumentation Technician(PDF, 165KB)
PN:5524 - Commercial Assets Officer(PDF, 128KB)
PN:5533 - Electrical and Instrumentation Technician(PDF, 138KB)
PN:5534 - Business Support Officer(PDF, 87KB)
PN:5535 - Learning & Development Officer(PDF, 79KB)
PN:5536 - Surveillance Officer(PDF, 140KB)
PN: 5552 - Procurement and Contracts Officer(PDF, 154KB)
PN: 5556 - Facilities Officer(PDF, 134KB)
- PN: 6005 - Apprentice Fitter Mechanic(PDF, 55KB)
- PN:6029 - Trainee Business Administration (PDF, 78KB)
- PN: 6037 - Apprentice Boilermaker(PDF, 57KB)
- PN: 6039 - Apprentice Mechanical Fitter(PDF, 58KB)
- PN: 6042 - Trainee Water Operations(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 6043 - Trainee Water Operations(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 6044 - Trainee Water Operations(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 6054 - Trainee Water Operations(PDF, 56KB)
- PN: 6070 - Cadet Building Surveyor(PDF, 167KB)
- PN:6073 - Apprentice Electrical and Instrumentation Technician(PDF, 111KB)
- PN:6076 - Apprentice Electrical and Instrumentation Technician(PDF, 298KB)
- PN: 6079 - Apprentice Electrical and Instrumentation Technician (PDF, 133KB)