Why has Council limited access to water filling stations?
When water restrictions come into effect in Kempsey Shire we limit the use of water throughout the community in order to preserve potable (drinkable) water.
One of the measures listed under Level 1 restrictions is the limiting of water fill stations to potable water use only.
Residents and businesses who use Kempsey Shire Council's water fill stations at South Kempsey, Gladstone, South West Rocks, Crescent Head, Greenhill and Stuarts Point stations have been advised that due to the ongoing need to conserve water under Level 1 Water Restrictions, the shire’s water filling stations are now only available to registered potable water carters.
Council has now implemented this restriction and based on feedback we have received from the community, we wish to provide some clarification.
What misleading or inaccurate statements have we heard?
"Residents have to use water carters."
This is incorrect. Should members of the public meet the NSW Health guidelines for transporting potable water, including having an approved container, they can apply for an exemption and be granted access to the water filling stations.
“There is a 5 week wait for water carters.”
This is inaccurate. We have received confirmation from water carters that services are available within a maximum of 3 days at present.
“Stock will have to go without water.”
This is inaccurate. Stock watering is a potable use.
“Caravans have nowhere to fill up.”
This is inaccurate. Caravans can usually fill up wherever they stay, including holiday and caravan parks.
“I have a food grade set up and you’re preventing me from using it.”
This is inaccurate. Should members of the public meet the NSW Health guidelines for transporting potable water, including having an approved container, they can apply for an exemption and be granted access to the water filling stations.
“I should be able to use my own containers.”
This is misleading. All potable water must be transported in a NSW Health approved container to ensure drinking water is free from potential contaminants. Many recycled containers contain traces of toxins or contaminants.
Why is the restriction limited to commercial water carters?
It isn’t. The restriction is NOT limited to commercial water carters.
It is limited to those who have been certified by NSW Health as having equipment and practices that have been reviewed and deemed appropriate for holding and transporting potable (drinkable) water. Only water carters who have gone through this registration process have been granted permission by Council to use the fill stations. Anyone may apply for the same accreditation through NSW Health.
Should members of the public meet the NSW Health guidelines for transporting potable water, including having an approved container, they can apply for an exemption and be granted access to the water filling stations.
This restriction exists to limit the fill stations to potable water use. The current water restriction requirements were adopted by Council in 2020 based on the lessons learnt from the 2019 drought.
Fill stations have only been available to the community since 2021, previous to this, water fill stations were only available to authorised water carters.
Limiting the usage at water fill stations under Level 1 Water Restrictions is designed to conserve drinking water for human consumption, which is the primary potable use. Stock watering is also a potable use.
How is it being implemented?
Registered potable water carters in NSW who are approved for transportation of potable water have been issued with access cards for Kempsey Shire water fill stations.
Should members of the public meet the NSW Health guidelines for transporting potable water, including having an approved container, they can apply for an exemption and be issue with access cards for the water filling stations.
Why is the method of transportation important?
Under Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, all potable water must be transported in a NSW Health approved container to ensure drinking water is free from potential contaminants.
To put this another way, if water is transported in a container that is not approved for potable use, then it is assumed the water is not drinkable. As such that use is prohibited under water restrictions.
The use of recycled/upcycled IBCs (pods) by the public is not permissible as a potable water container for transportation. This is due to their potential for health hazards and contamination risk, particularly if pods formerly contained chemicals or contaminated water.
Should members of the public meet the NSW Health guidelines for transporting potable water, including having an approved container, they can apply for an exemption and be granted access to the water filling stations.
How can someone apply for an exemption and who qualifies?
An Application for Water Restriction Exemption Permit form(PDF, 893KB) is available at Council’s Customer Service Centre. If you believe that you are eligible for an exemption, please complete a form and it will be reviewed by the Drought Management Team.
You will need to demonstrate that you are using the water for a potable use and that you will transport water in a NSW Health approved potable water container. Stock watering is listed as an approved water usage under Level 1 Water Restrictions and should water be required from the water filling stations for stock watering this is appropriate.
If you are granted an exemption, you will be provided with an access card that enables you to use the water filling stations.
What will we do in the event of a fire?
Council’s water filling stations remained open to the public during the recent bushfire period.
In times of emergency and if deemed necessary, Council has the ability to switch back on the water fill stations in communities affected by fire.
The NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) and Fire and Rescue NSW do not use our water filling stations for firefighting purposes.
What if the RFS used my water to fight the fires?
The RFS have provided information on this with their Firefighting and Water Replacement fact sheet.
"Water replacement may be provided during or after a bush fire emergency to livestock owners, and agricultural growers who meet the eligibility criteria below:
- water was taken to suppress a fire, or landowner has experienced an infrastructure failure as a result of a bush fire
- the water taken significantly impacts the landowner’s ability to ensure sufficient water for livestock and agricultural purposes (e.g. vineyards, horticulture)."
Affected landowners should contact the NSW Department of Primary Industries (www.dpi.nsw.gov.au) or Local Lands Services (www.lls.nsw.gov.au) in their region for further advice.
What service commitments have we received from water carters?
Council has been in contact with local potable water carters in the region and indications are that services are available within 3 days at present.
For more information on potable water carting services in our area, please contact Council.
Thank you for doing your bit to conserve our precious drinking water.
Read more about Level 1 Water Restrictions
Water Restriction Exemption Permit