Chapter E4: Yarrahapinni Land Release Area

1 - Introduction

1.1 Scope of this Chapter

This DCP Chapter applies to all development on land located at Lot 333 DP 805299, Yarrahapinni, as shown in the figure below.

Land subject.png
Figure E4-1: Map - Land subject to the provisions of Chapter D6 

1.2 Relationship to Other Documents

Kempsey Local Environmental Plan 2013 contains specific requirements that apply to the subject land.

The provisions of this Chapter override the provisions of any other Chapter of this DCP, to the extent of any inconsistency. Development applications will need to be assessed against the provisions of any other relevant chapter of this DCP, in addition to this chapter.

2 - Chapter Objectives

The objectives of this Chapter are:

a. To encourage appropriate development, which is sensitive to the environmental values of the land.

b. To ensure appropriate management of environmental zoned land.

c. To protect riparian areas and key fish habitats.

3 - Development Requirements

3.1 Flora and Fauna Habitat

Desired Outcomes

DO1 – An assessment on fish habitat conservation and management in accordance with the NSW Department of Primary Industries, Policy and guidelines for fish habitat conservation and management (June 2013).

DO2 – Provide for establishment of a 50 metre wide riparian buffer zone between any development and the waterway to preserve and enhance riparian vegetation, and to avoid impacts on key fish habitat.

DO3 – All significant trees on the site are retained and protected. 

Development Requirements

a) An assessment on fish habitat conservation and management in accordance with Section 3.3 of the NSW Department of Primary Industries, Policy and guidelines for fish habitat conservation and management (June 2013).

b) Clearing of native vegetation should be avoided / minimised in the subdivision design with building envelopes and associated infrastructure (including boundary fences, driveways and Asset Protection Zones) to be located within existing cleared areas.

3.2 Vegetation Management Plan

Desired Outcomes

DO1 – A Vegetation Management Plan endorsed by NSW Biodiversity and Conservation and Science Division is submitted to Council prior to the issue of a development consent for subdivision.

DO2 - Landscaping, tree and vegetation works are undertaken in accordance with the endorsed vegetation management plan and KDCP 2013:

Development Requirements

a) Prior to subdivision of the subject land a Vegetation Management Plan is to be prepared and finalised in consultation with Council and the NSW Biodiversity and Conservation and Science Division of the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.


b) The Vegetation Management Plan shall include measures for:

a. conservation / enhancement for retained areas of vegetation within environmental zones;

b. weed control;

c. requirements and active restoration methods, such as planting of native vegetation to enhance the riparian vegetated corridor;

d. maintenance in perpetuity.

3.3 Stormwater Management Plan

Desired Outcomes

DO1 – Ensure waterway flow patterns are not disrupted, sediment runoff does not occur and downstream water quality is not impacted. 

Development Requirements

a) The preparation of a Stormwater Management Plan should address the following issues:

  • site conditions and catchment context;
  • estimates of runoff where significant;
  • objectives and strategies for complying with water quality, water quantity, conveyance, discharge and flood protection criteria;
  • proposed layout and street design measures and incorporate stormwater source controls in street reserves;
  • provisions of sufficient information to allow adequate assessment of the stormwater drainage system and its components.

b) Water Sensitive Urban design (WSUD) measures are to be incorporated into all development.