Chapter E3: Point Plomer Road Precinct
1 - Introduction
1.1 Scope of this Chapter
This DCP Chapter applies to all development on land within the area bounded by the bold line as shown in the figure below. The area shown in the figure below will be hereafter referred to as the “Point Plomer Road Precinct.”

Figure E3-1: Map - Land subject to the provisions of Chapter E3
Land within the Point Plomer Road Precinct is located in the following zones:
- E1 - National Parks and Nature Reserves;
- E3 - Environmental Management; and
- E4 - Environmental Living.
1.2 Relationship to Other Chapters of this DCP
The provisions of this Chapter override the provisions of any other Chapter of this DCP, to the extent of any inconsistency.
2 - Chapter Objectives
The Objectives of this chapter are:
- To minimise the negative impacts of all new development.
- To enhance the natural character and identity of the Point Plomer Road Precinct.
- To protect and enhance the area’s natural beauty, low key scale and significant flora and fauna communities and habitat.
- To protect, conserve and enhance evidence of cultural heritage, including Aboriginal heritage.
- To allow for the protection and appropriate management of relics, trees or places which have identified heritage significance, including potential archaeological sites.
- To ensure development satisfies the principles of ecologically sustainable development having regard to environmental, social and economic impacts, intergenerational equity and the precautionary principle.
- To ensure existing tourist and visitor accommodation remain environmentally and economically sustainable.
- To protect existing residential amenity.
- To ensure the number of dwellings and design details for housing is appropriate for the site and surrounding area.
3 - Development Requirements
3.1 Character and Low Key Scale
Desired Outcomes
DO1 - Development is of a low-scale and a low-impact nature (being development that does not have a significant negative impact on the ecology of its location, or on the character, amenity or scenic value of the area).
Development Requirements
3.2 Fauna and Flora Protection
Desired Outcomes
DO1 - The proposed development is ecologically sustainable in terms of impacts on local flora and fauna and significant habitat and wetlands.
DO2 - The proposed development is ecologically sustainable in terms of impacts on local koalas.
Development Requirements
- The development application must demonstrate compliance with the following, where relevant:
- the Native Vegetation Act 2003
- the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995
- State Environmental Planning Policy No. 26 - Littoral Rainforests
- State Environmental Planning Policy No. 44 - Koala Habitat Protection and
- State Environmental Planning Policy No. 71 - Coastal Protection
- The development is to have minimal environmental impact on:
- Land managed by the Office of Environment and Heritage;
- Wilderness areas; and
- Recognised areas of high conservation value.
- Any significant trees or native vegetation at the proposed development site is to be retained as far as practicable, including any locally significant koala feed tree species.
- The proposed removal of any vegetation complies with the relevant requirements of Chapter B10 - Tree Preservation and Vegetation Management
- The proposed development complies with the relevant provisions of Chapter B11 - Koala Management
3.3 Geotechnical Issues
Desired Outcomes
DO1 - Development is appropriately designed in response to local soil stability issues.
DO2 - Sediment and erosion control is undertaken in a manner that prevents silt entering wetlands, watercourses and water bodies.
Development Requirements
- Development complies with the relevant requirements of Chapter B4 - Earthworks and Sediment Erosion Control
3.4 Coastal Processes
Desired Outcomes
DO1 - Development minimizes impacts on coastal processes.
Development Requirements
3.5 Aboriginal and European Heritage
Desired Outcomes
DO1 - Significant items or areas of Aboriginal and European Heritage Significance are adequately protected or suitable measures are adopted to minimise adverse impacts where disturbance is proposed.
Development Requirements
- In relation to Aboriginal Heritage, the development satisfies the requirements of Chapter B12 - Aboriginal Heritage
- In relation to European Heritage, the development satisfies the requirements of Chapter B13 - Heritage
3.6 Visual Amenity and Landscape
Desired Outcomes
DO1 - Development does not adversely affect the visual amenity or landscape setting of the Point Plomer Road Precinct.
Development Requirements
- Any proposed buildings that are part of the proposed development are to be designed to respect the low scale and discrete character of the area.
- The height of any proposed buildings is to be equal to or lower than:
- vegetation canopies on the subject land; and
- ridge lines forming part of the view shed of the proposed development.
- Adequate landscaping is to be incorporated into the proposed development to provide screening of buildings, in accordance with the relevant requirements of Chapter B9 - Landscaping and Chapter C4 - Tourist Facilities in Rural Areas and Eco-tourist Facilities.
- The proposed development respects the topography and setting of the site by locating buildings on those parts of the site with least slope.
- Any proposed vehicular entry is to be designed to restrict direct views of the development from the road.
- External building materials are to have a low-reflectivity, low-gloss and are to utilise natural colours so that they are generally compatible with the natural setting and are not visually obtrusive.
- Buildings are set back from the road by a minimum distance of 18 metres.
Note - Council may require the submission of a visual impact assessment, including photomontages from various vantage points, to demonstrate that the proposed development will not have an adverse impact on the visual amenity and landscape setting of the Point Plomer Road Precinct.
3.7 Traffic Management
Desired Outcomes
DO1 - The volume and type of traffic generated from the proposed development does not have an adverse impact on the amenity of the Point Plomer Road Precinct.
DO2 - The safety and efficiency of the local road network is satisfactory.
Development Requirements
- The proposed development is to not generate excessive vehicular traffic to an extent that will have an adverse impact on the amenity and natural character of the Point Plomer Road Precinct.
- Driveways are placed so that there are adequate sight distances along the road from both directions.
- Roads, accesses, parking and loading arrangements comply with the relevant requirements of Chapter B2 - Parking, Access and Traffic Management
Note - Details of traffic generation or a Traffic Impact Assessment Report may need to be submitted with the development application to demonstrate compliance with these requirements.
3.8 Bushfire Protection
Desired Outcomes
DO1 - Development complies with the relevant requirements of Planning for Bushfire Protection 2006.
Development Requirements
3.9 Energy Efficient Design
Desired Outcomes
DO1 - The development is ecologically sustainable in terms of energy efficient design.
Development Requirements
- A satisfactory BASIX certificate is submitted with any development application for BASIX affected development (eg residential development).
- For non-BASIX affected development, the development application includes details of a package of measures that will facilitate:
- Maximising the use of natural lighting;
- Providing natural ventilation/cooling;
- Taking advantage of passive thermal gain from the sun (eg window placement and use of materials with a high thermal mass);
- Water efficient appliances and fittings; and
- Rainwater collection.
3.10 Disposal of Effluent and Stormwater
Desired Outcomes
DO1 - The development is ecologically sustainable in terms of disposal of effluent and stormwater.
Development Requirements
- Stormwater systems comply with the relevant requirements of Chapter B5 - Stormwater Management and Chapter B6 - Water Urban Design.
- On-site Sewage Management Systems comply with the relevant requirements of Chapter B8 - On-site Sewage Management.