Chapter B11: Koala Habitat Management
1 - Introduction
1.1 Scope of this Chapter
This Plan applies to all land in the Kempsey Shire local government area where development requires the removal of native vegetation and/or Koala Feed Trees.
1.2 Relationship to Other Chapters of this DCP
The provisions of this Chapter override the provisions of any other Chapter of this DCP, to the extent of any inconsistency.
2 - Chapter Objectives
The objectives of this Chapter are:
- To identify the process and documents that are used in the assessment of applications impacting on koala habitat.
3 - Background
Koalas are currently listed as a threatened species under state and federal legislation.
3.1 Kempsey Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management
A copy of Volume 1 (Working Provisions) of the Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management for the Eastern Portion of Kempsey Shire LGA (CKPoM) is available on Council’s website.
The CKPoM outlines of the procedures and requirements for managing Koalas in the eastern portion of Kempsey Shire LGA.
3.2 State Environmental Planning Policy No. 44 - Koala Habitat Protection (SEPP44)
State Environmental Planning Policy No. 44 - Koala Habitat Protection (SEPP44) applies to the state of NSW and requires Council to identify whether the site contains koala habitat and to consider the impacts of proposed development on any identified koala habitat.
A copy of SEPP 44 can be found on the “Planning NSW” website
4 - Development Requirements
Desired Outcome
DO1 - To ensure that adequate consideration has been given to the impact on development on koala habitat.
Development Requirements
- Development applications identify whether there is any koala habitat on site, including any koala feed trees (refer to Appendix A of this Chapter).
- Development applications address the relevant procedures and requirements of Volume 1 (Working Provisions) of the Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management for the Eastern Portion of Kempsey Shire LGA (CKPoM).
- Development applications address the relevant requirements of State Environmental Planning Policy No. 44 - Koala Habitat Protection (SEPP44).
Appendix A: List of Koala Feed Tree Species
Table B11.1 - List of Koala Feed Tree Species
Primary food tree species |
Primary food tree species |
Tallowwood |
E. microcorys |
Forest Red Gum |
E. tereticornis* |
Swamp Mahagony |
E. robusta |
*Includes the naturally occurring E. terreticornis x E. robusta hybrid, referred to as E.’patentinervis’ by Bale (1992) |
Secondary/supplementary food tree species |
Grey Gum |
E. propinqua |
White Stringybark |
E. globoidea |
Stringybark |
E. tindaliae |
Appendix B: Flow Chart - The Development & Rezoning Assessment Pathway

Figure B11-1: Flow Chart - the Development and Rezoning Assessment Pathway