Kempsey Development Control Plan Review
What is the Development Control Plan?
The Development Control Plan (DCP) is a document that provides guidance and requirements for development that should be taken into account when preparing a Development Application (DA). So if you’re developing land or property, whether that’s building a new house, expanding your business premises, subdividing land, installing a retaining wall or adding another level to your dwelling, the plan sets out provisions that you need to consider and address in your DA.
Why do we need this Plan?
Any kind of development can impact the environment, our neighbours and the utility services on which we all rely, like roads, water and waste. So, from flooding to fencing, set-backs to landscape, heritage to carparking, providing guidance through the DCP helps us all plan and understand the impacts of our development, large and small. Maximising the benefits, while reducing any impacts.
Why is the Development Control Plan being revised?
NSW State legislation, development codes and standards change over time, reflecting new environmental and construction standards for improved living and better communities. We want to revise our own development controls to make sure that our local guidance is current, clear, consistent and easier to understand for everyone.
When is this happening?
We have an engaged team assisting the review of the existing document, to identify relevant current codes and requirements and propose smart revisions and necessary changes. This work begun in early 2024. Because this is a significant task (the current document runs to 600 pages!) the project will run throughout 2024, and we hope to complete in mid 2025.
Can I be informed or participate in this revision process?
Yes! We’ll update everyone through our Your Say Macleay page: We’ll also be reaching out to identify development issues that the community feels are important for consideration. Because the DCP particularly involves local people, community groups and businesses who are involved in land, property, development and construction we especially want to understand your experiences in these areas.
How do I find out more?
If you wish to understand the Development Control Plan revision process more, you can always reach out to Kempsey’s Strategic Planning team who are leading this work by emailing us at or by calling us on 02 6566 3200.