Doing business with Council
Find out about tenders, quotations, partnerships and expressions of interest.
Council's Sustainable Procurement and Contracts Policy
Kempsey Shire Council’s Sustainable Procurement and Contracts Policy ensures that all purchasing decisions are fair, cost-effective, and environmentally responsible while meeting legal requirements. It focuses on supporting local businesses, reducing waste, and considering the long-term impact of products and services.
By promoting ethical labour practices and social responsibility, the policy helps create a stronger, more sustainable community. It also improves procurement processes, reduces risks, and ensures that ratepayer money is spent wisely to benefit both the local economy and the environment.
Council's Procurement Pathways
Kempsey Shire Council procures goods and services through three main pathways:
- Direct Requests for Quotations – When no existing panel or contract is in place, staff may request quotes directly from suppliers on a case-by-case basis.
- Panel Contracts – For recurring procurement needs, Council may form a panel through a public tender or leverage existing contracts from approved entities under Section 55 of the Local Government Act, including:
a. Local Government Procurement
b. Procurement Australia
Additionally, Council can access contracts from:
a. NSW Government eTendering
b. NSW Government buy NSW
Public Tenders & Expressions of Interest – Council releases Requests for Quotation (RFQ), Requests for Tender (RFT), and Expressions of Interest (EOI) via eProcure and advertises them on its website and other relevant platforms.
Tendering Process
- Advertising & Submission – All tenders are advertised for at least 21 days, with more complex tenders open longer. Submissions must be lodged via eProcure before the closing date. Late tenders cannot be considered.
- Evaluation & Selection – Tenders are assessed against set criteria, which may include mandatory requirements. Price alone is not the deciding factor—Council also considers experience, quality, sustainability, and overall value.
- Additional Considerations – Tenderers must comply with insurance requirements, protect intellectual property rights, and may submit alternative or non-conforming tenders if permitted in the invitation.
For more details, visit Tenders & EOI.
Local Suppliers
The Sustainable Procurement and Contracts Policy commits to considering Social Procurement when considering value for money. This includes supporting local businesses including social enterprise and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses.
The Local Preference Purchasing Procedure has been introduced to support local businesses and encourage local economic business activity for the benefit of the Kempsey Shire community.
Councils Reconciliation Action Plan includes committing to exploring opportunities to increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander supplier diversity to support improved economic and social outcomes.
The Business Toolkit has also been designed to assist those looking at starting or expanding a business within the Kempsey Shire.
Environmental Impacts
Kempsey Shire Council have introduced a Sustainability and Resilience Strategy as well as introduced Environmental considerations in the Sustainable Procurement and Contracts Policy. This includes including an evaluation criteria in the invitation for tender on how suppliers combat CO2 emissions, support alternative clean energy solutions, protect eco-systems & reduce pollution and waste.
The percentage of this criteria can vary dependent of the procurement - high risk environmental projects may have higher evaluation percentages, or specific criteria listed in the invitation to tender that may even be mandatory to participate in the evaluation process.